The Funk

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I think we can all agreed that I need a slight break from Fullmetal Alchemist... So, I decided to go to my happy place.

Do you-a like pasta!? I love-a pasta! I would eat-a pasta everyday if Germany would-a let me...

My happy place is Hetalia, give me a break.

"I love pasta," I wrote with an immense grin on my face. "Pasta is like chocolate: best food ever."

I-a know! Who cannot-a love-a pasta?

"Crazy people." I must be crazy then, because I haven't eaten pasta in three years... I actually didn't want to think what the personification of Italy would do to me if he knew I was lying. He'd probably start hysterically crying and calling for Germany is what he'd do.

I shook my head and sighed. My fingers traced the marks Truth left on my neck. They stung. Jeez, when did everything get so serious? I dunno...

Are you-a there, bella? Italy asked. I blinked and chuckled to myself before writing, "Yeah. Just dozed off for a second. So tell me, what's your brother like?"

And for a while, all I did was attempt to forget.


What do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do what do I do!?

The AB kept vibrating and when I checked the caller it was Edward. I didn't even know how he got a hold of me like this!? Ohmygod what am I supposed to do I have no idea of what to do ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod!

I was literally running around in circles in my room, hands in my hair as I panicked, trying to figure out what I needed to do. As you can tell, I'm doing an excellent job. I tripping over a book I'd left out and collided with the floor, banging my nose against the wood. Not again... I moaned. All day I'd been having bloody noses, just randomly throughout the day. And I just knew Truth was screwing with me too! DammitdammitdammitdammitdammitdammitDAMMIT! WHAT DO I DO!?!

Then the AB stopped vibrating.

I glanced up from my humblr position on the floor and stood, wiping some of the blood off my nose. I furrowed my brow and opened the book tentatively and glanced inside. Inside was one message:

I set things right, silly human.

My blood ran cold and my eyes widen. What?! Set things right? But that means-that means- I glanced at rhe message above it.

Nina... she's dead... a serial killer named Scar murdered her when she was protecting her father from him, supposedly.

And then my heart shattered, just like it had during the Nina Episode. I slammed my fist into my desk and yelled. "TRUTH!" I screamed. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

Oh, will you?

I stared at the AB and pushed my tears back. "FAHK YEAH I WILL!" I exclaimed.

But can you defeat God? How can a human defeat a God? Aren't Gods almighty, worthless human?

I could imagine the grin on Truth's face. I grinned crazily. "Oh, but tell me Truth: What's a God to a nonbeliever?"

I got no reply and I slammed the book shut. I was going to find Truth. He wasn't in my world, but I could certainly try some inventive methods for attempting to travek between dimensions. I grinned and gave a chuckle. "You're dead, Truth."



Yeah, it's short. But I just needed to kickstart the actual plot. YEAH GUYS THERE'S AN ACTUAL PLOT TO THIS STORY!

And yes, I can and will take OCs to interact with in other worlds. A few of my own will be featured in this story, so check their stories out if you'd like. (And by that I mean one whole other story, Led A Stray, aren't I funny?) Oki guys, I'll try to update faster and see ya!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2015 ⏰

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