That Awkward Moment at School

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So yeah. School. It still exists.


I don't know how that's possible either. I mean, I'm the main character now, right? I should be free from school! I should be speaking fluent Japanese and be going to bars to get drinks and be drunk (okay, not really)! But noooo! School still exists! Being a main character sucks.

What a rip off.

It's the middle of 2nd peroid when the newest incident happens. I was sitting outside (I had environmental science-A.K.A Gardening), doing nothing productive when I thought, Why not see if Luffy or Ed's on the line? It seemed so simple. One problem: I didn't trust anyone in my 2nd peroid. At all. I'm not even joking. Besides me and two others, everyone else is an 8th grader. And they're all pricks and bitches, mind you. At least one thing in being a main character still makes sense!

So, even though I was bored, I couldn't risk Alexandra (another one, my God. I had to sit in lunch with her last year and she's UNBEARABLE!) seeing and getting a hold of my Anime Book. It wasn't worth it.


But I was sooooooo bored! I mean, one tiny message wouldn't hurt right? And don't even TRY to mention pretend-to-use-the-restroom idea--the annoying 8th graders do that so I'd not only be in more danger there, but I'd feel bad afterwords. So, discretely, I pulled out my library book and hid the Anime Book inside, opening it up. I twirled my pen and wrote, "Hey." I waited a minute, staring at the page. Nothing. I furrowed my brows. "Anyone there? Luffy? Edward?" Another minute. Still nothing! I scowled, just about to slam the book close, when a dark hand appeared and snatched up the AN (Anime Notebook)! I looked up, my eyes wide with horror. Oh God, have mercy.

Dustin. He was the class troublemaker, and not in the jokester way. He got into fights, got several referrals, and probably did drugs (I've seen the booze and beer, so the drugs have gotta be somewhere). For HIM to find the AN was probably the worst case to ever happen to me!

"What's this?" he asked rhetorically, waving it in the air. Must. Not. Kill. I thought. It was really hard to follow that motto. "A diary?" And just like that, every head turned in out direction. Even Mr. Cal, the Jamaican teacher (sorry, I just had to mention it). I didn't blush. I didn't panic. I simply stared.

Now, even though Dustin was the wosrt case scenario, it doesn't mean I haven't been in this scenario before. Yeah, this guy is constantly trying to trip me up and get me to make a fool of myself. Hasn't happened before and won't happen now.

"If it's mine why is it in your hands?" I asked coolly, giving him a monotonous stare. He blushed and scooted back slightly, per usual. Deep inside, Dustin was nothing more than a chicken. "W-what?!" he stuttered. "I took this from your lap!" I blinked.

"But I have my book in my hands."

"Y-you were hiding it inside your book!"

"I... was hiding a book... inside a book?"

He started stuttering out nonsense as everyone started laughing loudly. I stood, dusting myself off before plucking the book from his hands and grabbing my bag. "I'll take this to the lost-and-found," I lied, glancing at Mr. Cal for permission. "Let me just wrote you a pass," the teacher stated as he went inside the portable. I nodded, even though he couldn't see. Oh, and you want to know the worst thing about this situation? Do ya'?


Ed and Luffy STILL hadn't replied!! Unbelievable, right? I mean, come on! I lied and embarrassed a douche bag to have them respond, the least they can do is say, Hi! right?

Apparently not.

After receiving my hall pass, I made my way to my third period teacher. There, I sat outside in the empty hallway as I scowled at the empty page. I'm calling bullshit, I thought. What the hell am I supposed to do? Write in the receptence's name and hope for the best? It took me a minute there before I realized my stupidity. What had I been thinking of when I first wrote in the book? FMA (I forgot to tell you that, didn't I?). What had I been thinking about when I wrote to Luffy? FMA. But more overpowering at that moment was food, Luffy's greatest weakness/strength!

I'm REALLY gonna' try this... aren't I?

Yes; yes I am.

So I did what I did when I wrote my Bat Mitzvah thank-you cards: To: Edward Elric. I didn't just write "Ed" or "Edward" since I could of had the chance of running into Edward Cullens and I did NOT need an emo, emotionally-impaired, obsessed stalker talking to me. No. Not happening. (I wonder when I'll gain the guts to try talking to Orochi-pedo?). It was when I was about to write "Hey" that the bell rang for third.

Sucks, right?


Lunch was the usual (meaning I sat with my two friends in class, Abby and Lauren and talked about shit). Fourth peroid, however, was better. Why, dear readers, would I say that math was better? Easy.

I didn't do the math~!

Yeah. All peroid I talked to Maes Hughes and we had very interesting and adult conversations (meaning we both gushed about how cute Elisa was in this one photo. Uh-huh: I apparently can get photos over this thing). I told him my name, he told me his. It was all dandy. Neat guy, Hughes.

So, I was sitting in Starbucks, where I was notorious for writing in journals that were not diaries. I know, my reputation proceeds me. I popped out that little black AN and decided to pulled up the guts to write to Ed. I was freaking out so horribly on the inside because, I mean, Nina could be dead by now! Ed and Alphonse could mentally and emotionally scarred by now (that was horrible fitting word play). I'd already written the To: part. Now I just had to summon the clearly non-existent balls to just write Edward Elric. But my writing hand was shaking violently, and before I knew it, the AB was swiped from me!


I glowered up into the really dark brown eyes of Dustin ass-fucker (little too visual and offensive. Sorry) and his two blonde lackies. Today was just not my day!

"Well I'll be damn-" I wish. I wish so hard you were dammed. "-you still have your little diary, do ya'?" Dustin taunted, waving it in front of my face mockingly. I was not in the mood. I was not emotionally prepared to deal with the shit that was Dustin. I was just not there.

So I did the normal thing and burst into tears.

Now, this actually happens. All the time, in fact. If my blood sugar is practically nonexistent, then my emotions are more wild than if it's a woman's time of month. Really, it's that bad. And right now, having nothing to drink or eat (I had no cash on me), I was *this close* to loosing it. And Dustin just pushed me over the edge.

His funeral (not that anyone will go).

A Starbucks employee, a good friend of mine named Kyle, looked over and must have thought I was being harassed, because he marched over and threatened to call the cops on the boys if they didn't leave me alone. I couldn't control myself in all honesty and I was trying hard not to scream and go even MORE berserk. Yeah, there's something worse than this. *signals to hysteric self*

Dustin and his prostitutes dropped the AN and left with only a dust cloud as reminder they were here. Kyle sent me a soft smile, causing me to calm down slightly. He grinned suddenly as he passed me a cup of chocolate icing. I stopped and my eyes went wide. I glanced up at Kyle to find him already back behind the counter. I blinked. How does he even do that...?

I shook my head as I took a bite of the chocolate and finally gained the guts to do it. I wrote Edward Elric. The words To: Edward Elric glowed bright gold and I shut my eyes for a minute. When I opened them, I saw Ed had already written to me:

I barely made it in time.

And I swear to God and Truth that I cried tears of joy.

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