When Life Hands You Lemons... Throw Them Back and Ask for Oranges

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I woke up with drool all over my arm. Okay, ewww. My face was slammed against my arm, which in turn was slammed against the Anime Notebook, which was, in turn *sigh* slammed against the desk.

And through all the drool the book still wasn't water-logged!

I'd stayed up until four in the morning talking with theEdward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist the anime!! It doesn't get better than this!!


He was a lot of fun to talk to, you know. He went on a short rant occasionally (meaning all the time) and by four in the morning he had to go to Shou Tucker's place again.

I wrote one last thing, something I shouldn't have done:

Don't leave Nina alone with Tucker.

I hope he followed my advice, I hated the Nina epsiode as it was formly dubbed amongst us FMA fans. I don't care if I probably changed the plot, by a show of hands, who else wanted Nina to live until she died at a ripe ol' age?

*raises hand*

Practically everybody does, and though I didn't cry (that's right, I've never cried during the Nina Episode) I was still horrified at what Alchemy could make people do and become.

Oh god. Ed hasn't even come across Scar yet! Poor boy. I was about to leave for school when the weirdest (you know what I mean by that) thing happened again with the notebook.

It started viberating.

I glanced at the clock and shrugged, figuring I had enough time to write to Ed again. I sat down and broke out my favorite pencil before writing, "Hey Ed."

It wasn't Ed who replied.

Ed? I don't know who 'Ed' is. I'm Luffy. Blank. That's right, I'd passed out again. Semi-conscious I wrote, "Oh. Sorry."

Nah, no problems!! ☺

"So... what's going on... um, Luffy, right?" I wrote. I felt sick. Now I was talking to the Monkey D. Luffy.

Yep! And we just got into the Grandline and talked to this whale named Laboon! How cool is that!?!

I chuckled to myself, my chest still tight. What a guy. "Very. I've never seen a whale or been to the Grandline." Really? Well that's no fun.

"Yeah. I know."

Well why not join my crew??


Uh-huh. That just happened. Out of the blue. Just like that. "But you don't even know my name."

Okay, then what's your name?


Well there! Now you can join my crew Alex!

I felt sick as I wrote, "Yeah. Thanks."

Hehehe!! No problem!! Maybe we'll find you in the Grandline and you can meet out nakama! That's where we stopped. So... I'm now part of a pirate crew?



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