amnesia (satan x reader)

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"Y/N!! A little help, please?" Satan exclaimed. he was struggling to keep Beel apart from a freshly-whipped portion of vanilla icing. the shiny metal bowl teetered on the younger one's fingers. frosted crests of pastel colored confectionery poked along the surface of the dish.

The final ingredient for your latest Akuber order was fresh off the mixing machine and it looked and smelled divine, even from as far as you were standing from the ensuing calamity. Beelzebub and Satan were practically wrestling in the corner behind the counter of the bakery you all worked at together. clothes rustled and shoes squeaked against the tiled floor as they tousled for control. your workday had thankfully been anything but busy so far, so the only witnesses to the scene unfolding before you were Satan, Beel, yourself, and the camera lens on the D.D.D you were holding up to record the whole debacle.

"I just want a taste.." Beel uttered, entranced. his fingers were open, grasping for the dish Satan kept held up just barely out of his brothers' reach. the blonde yanked it back and forth, and his red-haired elder was always right there waiting with an open, grabbing set of digits. you covered your mouth and chuckled as they grunted at each other. with your thumb you zoomed in the video on Satan's annoyed expression.

"hello?! are you just gonna watch??" the blondes' inflection overflowed with urgency upon realizing he likely couldn't keep this up for much longer. you sighed.

"okay, okay." with a pity-tinged chuckle you relented, ending the video and jumping in to end the conflict.

peeling Beel away was no easy task. it took quick thinking and an expert level of execution, along with a little brute force and a selection of loud, selective verbiage. you pulled Beel away from the mess by his collar with a tight fist. in a little more time than you had projected, the extraction was complete. you pointed him to the break area.

"Get out of here if you're not going to help us work, Beel. there's some stuff for you to eat in the back." you said, trying to keep a straight face. your breathing was labored but you kept it quiet; Beel was a hefty guy to be yanking around with one hand like you were.

"okay. sorry, Y/N." he hung his head and held his gut.

"you should be apologizing to Satan." you insisted.

Beel raised his eyes apologetically for a moment. Satan stared back dryly. Beel opened his mouth to speak, but Satan immediately cut him off.  "don't." 

Luckily, Beel had gotten the message.

"go." you pointed him to the back. his hoodie hung loose around his neck beneath his apron while he lumbered through a door labeled "employees only" on his way back to the break room. "back there.. yeah, keep going." you rolled your eyes and coached him in the direction of a half-eaten box of the exact type of donuts you were making. You and Satan got here early this morning and snacked on a test batch of pastries. they sat in the back room partially forgotten, waiting for Beel's imminent hunger to take them off the map.

Satan huffed and brushed out the wrinkles in his apron with angry hands before he turned around to tend to the waiting batch of cooling doughnuts.

"hello?! are you just gonna watch?? hello?! are you just gonna watch??" the video you had just taken played on an incessant loop on your D.D.D on a counter top nearby. you stifled the fit of laughter creeping up behind your lips and sent it quickly to the first 3 people you could think of (Mammon, Lucifer and Solomon...obviously) before saving it to your gallery. remembering suddenly that you were still on the clock, you rolled up your sleeves and tucked your d.d.d away in your back pocket. there weren't too many dishes on the counters but you started filling the sink with water and soap to wash them anyway.

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