Mirror Mirror

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A continuation of Chapter 2: Anonymous Rendezvous

Hermione has a surprise visitor while dress shopping


Kink: Intercrural/thigh fucking

Pairing: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger

I'd like to dedicate this chapter to DoraRussel. I hope you enjoy!

See Primae Noctis for part 3


Hermione immediately stiffened when she heard the deep, baritone voice of her professor. It had been about a week since she had seen him last. Well, she supposed she did more than see him. Last week, she had penned a letter to the man, requesting his mandatory presence at the Ministry of Magic. She had arrived even earlier than she knew her ex-professor would, casting a concealment charm on herself while she lay in wait like a spider inside the lift. She had ensured they would be alone and had even come up with a clever little spell that would render his magic useless for thirty minutes.

Hermione had been an utter brat, completely reliant on the fact that he wouldn't know who she was. But of course he did, he was Severus bloody Snape– A spy! She could kick herself. She had teased him relentlessly, called him a good boy, and worse, told him she could take any punishment he could dole out.

What was she thinking?

"P-professor Snape," she gasped. "W-what are you doing...here?" Hermione was a stuttering fool, trembling like a terrified little antelope as a hungry lion stalked closer and closer.

"Shopping," he had responded, an evil little shimmer presented in his black eyes as he clasped his hands behind his back, continuing to walk closer to her.

"At Madam Malkin's?" She had raised her brow in challenge, completely unable to believe this to be a happy accident.

"She does have robes for every occasion."

"Hmm." Hermione didn't believe him for one instant. Still, she felt confident enough being in public so she turned her back to him, continuing to shuffle through the dress robes she was selecting for the Ministry Ball. "Are you planning on going to the—"

"Ball? Hardly, Miss Granger," he cut her off, his tone as bored and sardonic as ever.

The young witch rolled her eyes, grabbing a pale blue gown and draping it over her arm. She only had about an hour before she was to meet Ginny for a spot of tea, and she didn't want to risk running into the redhead standing next to the professor. Ginny knew about her crush, of course, but she had no idea about the little elevator incident and didn't want to risk anything surfacing.

"Well... it was nice to see you again," Hermione nodded awkwardly at the black-clad wizard before turning and walking into the dressing room.

"Indeed," he responded, loud enough for her to hear.

She had undressed quickly, tugging on the gown to see herself in the full-length mirror. She sighed, smiling softly as she turned from side to side, feeling the soft fabric as it cascaded over her skin. It looked nice, felt nice but... wasn't quite right. She had taken the dress off, quickly pulling on her denims and jumper to pop out long enough to find another dress. This time, she found a beautiful dark green gown. She couldn't resist plucking it from the rack, smirking as she glanced around to make sure the wizard had truly left.

She smiled, walking back to the dressing room with her new prize. How delicious it would be to pretend to be Severus' date for the evening? She'd proudly wear his house colors, arriving on his arm as if she was a prize. He was such a Victorian gentleman, he'd probably treat her to an amazing evening.

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