The Gift

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Narcissa and Severus (and a mostly-observing Lucius) participate in Shibari rope-bondage


Happy Valentines Day everyone!!! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Kink: Fabric Play
Pairing: Severus Snape/Narcissa Malfoy/Lucius Malfoy

** Do not participate in bondage without proper research and training**

She sat at the side of the bed, blonde hair cascading down her shoulder, falling just below her breast. It was a beautiful scene. Sun rays streamed in through the window, warm beams of light heated the otherwise cold room. She felt relaxed already, and they hadn't even begun.

"Undress," he had commanded. His voice was soft, but firm in its authority. A small gasp escaped her parted lips as her undeniable arousal kicked in with his instruction. She had so many decisions to make in her daily life; the release she felt by giving herself over to this wizard was palpable.

The way he presented himself, in any room, absolutely demanded attention...submission. His body language forced every single person to give themselves to him completely and willingly.

He was a lascivious sight. Gone was his usual frock coat. It had been cast aside as soon as he entered her bedroom. She had watched his fingers automatically float down the endless row of buttons until their task was completed, tossing it over a chair that was nearby and popping the top three buttons on his white shirt, rolling the sleeves to his elbow. He had left his black cravat undone and draped around his neck. She couldn't wait to see what he had planned.

She never looked up as she moved to stand— she knew better. Her eyes remained fixed to the marble floor, studying the black veins that cut through the white stone in intricate patterns that held no meaning. One trembling hand reached up, hooking a painted nail under the thin strap of her negligee, enticing the Dominant's eye with her slow reveal.

Both men gasped at the sight. Her husband earned himself a stern look as if to say, "remain silent or leave." He knew better than to anger the Dominant like this— Severus Snape required a particular atmosphere for this activity; just as much as she did. Lucius shut his mouth quickly, reclining back in his seat to keep watching. His placket was unbuttoned, allowing his cock some breathing room.

Narcissa had continued her taunting reveal, both straps now hung loosely as she clenched the material around her bust.

"Lower your hands," he whispered. She dutifully obeyed, smiling softly as she envisioned both sets of hungry eyes watching the fabric slither down her body. 

"Kneel, at attention." She had goose flesh covering her body, his voice obviously affected her.

She dropped to her knees in all her naked glory. Her shins rested against the cool floor, her body remained upright, back straight as an arrow. She hesitated, for the first time this evening, unwilling to earn herself a punishment by making the wrong choice.

He noticed.

"Do you wish to speak, Pet?"

She nodded.

"Go on," he responded with a bored tone, although the bulge of his trousers belied his voice.

"What positions would you like my arms in, Sir?"  Her honeyed tones rung out through the room, demonstrating just how true it was that the submissive held all the power.

It was his turn to hesitate now. He was thinking, undoubtedly rehearsing the entire scene he had scripted for the evening.

"Strappado," he decided. The witch arched her back as her arms connected behind her— elbows, forearms, and wrists would remain pressed against each other for tonight's entertainment.

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