Another Day

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This is my first fan fiction, I'm making public. Please critique me as I go along. I want to become a better writer in general. Thank you for your time.


The days seem to slow down as time passes for Luka.

The water stills into a perfect mirror. The water is unmoving, aside from the ship he currently lay on. Not a single fish or plant life living or residing in it.

The environment hasn't changed for the past weeks, no, it has to be months.

As he lay on the deck staring at the blank sky, with his only anchor to this world right beside him, untouched. The teenager felt nothing, there was nothing to make a tune out of. Nothing to make a song out of, no one to share the song with.

It has been like that since that day came about, and took everything away. How he couldn't stop himself from remembering such an event. It was so quick, the only reason he survived at all was because he was in the hold at the time. Well, that's the current theory.


When he came up to the surface. The world was at a stand still. The people around him minding their own business, unaware of what happened to them. They all became frozen, a sad stone statue. That was the only way he could describe it. But at the moment it was pure panic. He didn't know what was going on. All he felt was the ship rocking and the sound of birds dropping from the sky. And ran up to witness the picture that stains his mind ever since.

But now here, Luka lies on the deck of the ship looking at the blank sky.

“It's fine” Luka said to the open air. Finally, pulling himself back up to his feet with a loud sigh escaping him.

The clothes he wore were warned down and lost all forms of its original saturation.

It wasn't his anyway, it was actually his mother's. Nonetheless, he asked first, of course. It would be rude of him.

He would borrow Juleka's clothes, but she is not here. As well, at the time, Luka wouldn't be able to fit in her clothes anyway.

Luka approaches his mother's cabin with three knocks.

"Mom, I'm coming in, I need to borrow something if that's okay with you.” To only walk through after no response after a minute. There she sits on the edge of the bed. It looked like she was about to take a nap too. Peering through the window with a soft look to her eyes.

"Mom, I'm going out, and I will be borrowing clothes again, sorry.” Luka gently spoke to Ankara Couffaine's still body.

With dewy eyes, Luka replies “thanks” and turns his eyes to the trunk at the foot of the bed.

“Okay, boots, shirts, sweatpants, yes mom I will wear a coat but nothing too large. I still need to row the yawl" Luka scoffed to himself.

Grabbing the clothing, Luka left the room with a soft *click* of the door.

Went to his room to change, the room was dead. The other side covered in dust, with the sun from the window reflecting off it.

He's running low on supplies and would need to go out again.

This isn't the first time, during the beginning before Paris was flooded. Luka went out to grab all the supplies he could get. Food, water, canned goods, etc.

While he was out looking for supplies, Luka tried looking for his smaller half, but she was gone. The only thing he can hope for that maybe Juleka was with Rose during that fateful day, and she wasn't alone.

Luka glanced at the mirror and saw himself, his hair had grown down to his shoulders. His blue highlights gone, faded to a muted blue transforming to an ugly yellow. He looked so small, it looked like he thin out too. He can barely recognize himself in the mirror. That's not him.

Staring longer than needed, quickly glance away now focus on the task ahead of him.

Grasping a bag and items, food, water, a knapsack, a knife, matches, two plungers, a hammer and first aid, a raincoat just in case, rope, a flashlight, hammer. He was good to go.

Now at the edge of the ship.

There was a time when he thought about escaping Paris; many others outside the edge of the city must have done that, but the water came in too quickly. If there was anyone still here, they are long gone.

Luka tried to maintain and manage the ship the best he could, but for a task like that he would need a crew. Without a crew, he can't go so far. So, he was stuck in the Dead Sea.

It is safe to assume it was the shatter moon that caused all of this. It changed the tide and probably not only affected Paris, but other parts of the world.

With the yawl prepared, and his bag set, Luka lowered himself and the boat.

And sent off to the tallest standing building in the new city of Paris.

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