row row row your boat

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Once the boat was down to the water, Luka had to reorganize himself.

It took a lot more of his energy to just lower the dinghy to water than anticipated.
It may have been about 36+ kg (80 lbs), and his added weight, a heavy object nonetheless, even for a trained person. But it only reminded him how weak he was currently.

Luka is preparing for the next task, setting the sail for the dinghy. But what's the point? The air is unnaturally still, even considering the sea level. The wind is less than 4 knots, and there is no real breeze. And it's hard to tell which way the wind is coming from how light it is.
There is really no point giving himself extra work if he is most likely going to row all day.

Setting the sail down and putting up the oars in the slot. Took a deep breath for the long awaited trip that's ahead of him. Now somewhat mentally prepared, he pushes himself away from his home to get a good start and begin to feather.

Luka's current plan is to Tour Montparnasse as quietly as possible. If that means prolonging the trip, so be it.

The last thing he wants to alert the akumatized person is his whereabouts. The villain is there, he is sure of it. There were ships, helicopters, and planes that came over the area trying to get coverage on what happened in Paris.

But they were all stuck down.

In the first month, there were so many that it was hard to count. Each one of them stuck down. By a bright beam of light to only sink down to the earth lost in the water.

It seemed like a game to akumatized villain, maybe a way to pass the time.

At that point, other countries stopped trying to figure out what had happened. Soon came the missiles. Those were struck down, too. They did what they could to defeat the Akuma. But every plane, missile, and ship was struck down.

Luka replayed the scenario so many times before.
Even if I wanted to escape, there was no way I was gonna make it. If I ever draw any attention to myself, I would end up like the rest. Is the only answer Luka can come up with.

Luka's plan will work as a simple one. He's sure of it. It's simple, with the small dinghy, he would be able to reach the main skyscrapers standing after the flood. Break in, raid for supplies, and hit the next building without drawing too much attention to himself.

It is not like he would be spotted; the dinghy is only 2.5 meters (¾~8 ft). It would be hard to see for anyone, including just an akumatized villain. As well the debris would cover him from being noticed with the amount of stuff floating to the surface.

Luka hopes the plan goes right. The main thing he's striving for is if the office buildings would have water coolers.

The last thing he needs is to drink the sea water. If he didn't already worry about the salt, he's did have to worry about the contamination from the Paris sewage that's probably mixed in it.

The most unnerving part to Luka was the lack of sea life. If the water did come through the ocean, whether or not from a tsunami, it would have some fish, right?

The amount of damage present could only happen if the tsunami hit and engulfing the west side of Europe, and that trickled down to Paris.

The place that started it all.

Wantimg to distract himself from his thoughts. Still conscious about how loud he was, Luka starts to hum a sea shanty.

It would be a long trip.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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