Episode 14: Ice Dancing Vs Ice Hockey

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Prank Opening: The Mumdinger

In New Adventure Bay high history class, the Rangers and the other students were watching Humdinger sleeping on his desk while they do a worksheet assignment. Eventually, the Rangers finished the worksheet and had nothing else to do.

Marshall: Man... how long has Humdinger been sleeping?

Then Sweetie looked at the clock to check the time.

Sweetie: 30 minutes.

Then Humdinger began snoring very loudly, annoying everyone else.

Everest: His snoring reminds me of Rubble on a sugar crash.

Then Rubble became offended.

Rubble: Hey!

Then Chase went over to the sleeping Humdinger to check how heavy he's sleeping. Then Chase began waving his hand in front of Humdinger face to check but he didn't wake up.

Chase: He's really out cold.

Then Chase thought of a mischievous idea, worrying the girls.

Skye: No... Chasey... please...

Chase: Marshall, Rubble, grab a couple of toilet paper rolls in the bathroom.

Marshall and Rubble: Okay!

Then Marshall and Rubble rushed out to grab some rolls of toilet paper while Chase kept an eye on the sleeping Humdinger, annoying the girls.

Girls: Ugh...

Then Marshall and Rubble came back with rolls of toilet paper.

Chase: Now, we mummify Humdinger.

Then the boys began wrapping the sleeping Humdinger in toilet paper, annoying the girls even more.

Sweetie: You guys do realize that some of that toilet paper is filthy, right?

Rubble: We can wash our hands later.

Marshall: Yeah. Right now, we must prank the Humdinger.

Then the boys finished wrapping Humdinger in the toilet paper and they ushed back to their seats. Then the bell rang, which indicates that class is over. The ringing of the school bell woke up Humdinger. Because of the toilet paper, Humdinger couldn't see or talk, causing him to walking around with his arms open like a real mummy.

Humdinger: MMMMMMMMMM!!!

Then the boys and the other students began laughing at the prank, but the girls didn't laugh.

Skye: You guys and your pranks...

Then Coach Bull entered the room, causing everyone laughing to stop.

Coach Bull: Alright! What's going on in here!?!

Then Coach Bull noticed Mummy Humdinger and became scared as he approached her.

Coach Bull: AHHHHH!!! MUMMY!!!

Then Coach Bull punched Mummy Humdinger, knocking him out cold and causing everyone else except the girls to burst in to tears laughing.

Boys and other students: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Then Coach Bull blew her whistle to quiet everyone down.

Coach Bull: That's enough! All of you, get to class, A sap!

Then Coach Bull left the classroom.

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