Reading - Trafalgar D. Water Law

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i love law so fucking much from the moment i saw him i was IN LOVE im so down bad omfg 😩 idk what he sounds like and i haven't watched an ep with him but i'll try 🫡

requested by: ME 😼


(Y/N) couldn't sleep, she often had this problem. She lied in bed for two hours but she didn't even feel her eyes get heavy. Eventually she gave up and wandered the halls of the Polar Tang, stumbling into the library. She flicked on a lamp and grabbed a book about anatomical studies from the shelve. 

(Y/N) was Capitain Law's newest recruit and "student". Law would teach her some of his medical expertise in exchange for her helping with almost everything on the ship. (Y/N) took studying seriously, she knew that studying under "The Surgeon of Death" was a big deal, so she never took breaks. She plopped down on the small couch in the library and opened her book to the most recent annotations she had made.  

"What are you doing, (Y/N)-ya?" A familiar tired voice echoed throughout the library. (Y/N) turned around and saw her Captain drowsily leaning on the doorway. "Sorry, Captain. I couldn't sleep, I hope I didn't wake you." (Y/N) apologized. "No, it's alright. I couldn't sleep either." Law sighed, wandering over to the couch and sitting down next to her. 

Law peeked over the edge of (Y/N)'s book as she read, (Y/N) felt herself get distracted by his soft breathing on her neck but continued to concentrate as best as she could. Her eyes drifted slightly to her Capitain, he looked quite different at this time of night. He was missing his signature hat and was only wearing boxer pajamas and a tank top, exposing his tattooed arms. 

(Y/N) continued to read, "Law-san, is this procedure normally preformed on-" she asked, looking to her side and seeing her Captain, asleep on her shoulder. She immediately stopped talking, trying her best not to wake up the sleeping man. 

(Y/N) looked at his sleeping face, her eyes drifted over his heavy eye bags and soft, slightly, parted lips. She smiled softly and let out a yawn before clicking the light off and laying her head on Law's soft hair. Before she let herself slip into sleep she whispered a soft, "Goodnight, Trafalgar." 

authors note: yeah this one was short but i had an idea and i didnt want to forget it 💀  feel free to give me some tips on how to write law or even requests for him or other characters 😻

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