Thief - Roronoa Zoro

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BRO I PLAYED THE ONE PIECE VR GAME AND WOWOWO i literally had to dig out my 6yr old PSvr but it worked and 10/10 recommend. (the picture is me playing the game AND I JUST HAD TO TAKE A PICTURE LIKE WOW) anyways i'll shut up about how hot he is and ill let u read 🫡 


(Y/N) hid behind some barrels on the dock. She had seen the ship arrive and she knew she had the perfect opportunity. She checked that the coast was clear and scurried over to the ship, using a stack of wooden boxes to jump onto the ship. 

As soon as she boarded, her eyes landed on the familiar green hair she had seen all over the wanted posters, sleeping on the deck. "SHIT- I thought they were gone!" She cursed under her breath, hiding herself behind the mast.

 Roronoa didn't even acknowledge her presence, he continued to snore, enjoying the nice sunny weather. (Y/N) peeked out from behind the mast, steadying her breathing as she contemplated what her next move would be. She decided she would continue with her plan, the guy seemed like a heavy sleeper so she crept over to the door across from her, trying her best not to wake the mosshead. 

She sighed, closing the door quietly behind her. Her eyes lit up when she saw what was in front of her. A giant pile of treasure lay right out in the open, next to a pile of maps and paper. "Holy shit..." She whispered breathlessly, walking over to the pile of gold. She grabbed as much of it as she could and stuffed it in her bag, trying not to make any noise. 

A golden coin sitting at the top of the treasure slid down the the pile, bumping into a large jewel, causing the whole treasure pile to tumble. (Y/N) held her breath, her heart stopping as the crashing echoed throughout the room. She looked behind her, trying to steady her breathing as she hoped the swordsman hadn't noticed. 

Slow footsteps approached the door, (Y/N) grabbed her sword's handle, hoping she wouldn't have to use it. The door creaked open, Roronoa Zoro standing behind it. He stared at her blankly, "Who are you?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. (Y/N) froze, her grip tightened around her sword, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), but that isn't important. I'll be leaving now." (Y/N) said, relaxing her posture and making sure to look as calm as possible. Zoro raised an eyebrow, "You're not gonna be leaving with all our treasure." He said, leaning against the door frame, blocking her exit. "Are you sure about that?" (Y/N) smirked, she wasn't sure what her plan was, but she knew she could escape somehow. 

Zoro chuckled, "You're funny." He said, his eyes darkening. He stood tall, drawing his swords, "Let's take this out on the deck." He said, placing his sword in his mouth. (Y/N) gulped as soon as he turned his back, "What the fuck have I gotten myself into..." She thought, following behind him. She tossed her bag down and grabbed her sword, putting her confident attitude back on. "Let's go, Roronoa." She drew her sword, trying not to appear weak. "Good luck." Zoro smirked, launching himself towards her. 

(Y/N) dodged, feeling her heart drop each time he took a swing. She could barley escape each slash, guarding just before he sliced her in half. She pushed her sword back, Zoro took a step back, "Not bad." He smirked. (Y/N) half smiled, her nervousness beginning to show. She took a deep breath and ran toward Zoro, swinging her sword with all her might. He easily blocked her attack and used two of his swords to push her onto the ground. Zoro slammed his sword into the ground next to her, pinning her shirt down. (Y/N) gripped the wooden planks next to her, her heart beating out of her chest as she thought she almost died. 

Roronoa walked away, into the room where the treasure was. "Oi! Roronoa! It's not honorable to walk away from a fight!" She yelled, grabbing the hilt of the sword that was holding her down, ripping it out of the ground. She stood up and regained her composure, looking around for the mosshead. 

Zoro walked back, a rope in his hand. "What're you doing?" She asked, still breathing heavy. He grabbed her wrist, (Y/N) yanked her arm away from him. "We haven't settled this." She said, grabbing her sword. "Give it up. Unless you're trying to die." He said. (Y/N) swallowed her pride, she contemplated running away, but she wasn't one to run. She sighed, "Fine. But if you try anything funny I won't hesitate to cut you in half." She gritted her teeth and held out her wrists to him. "Yeah right." He smirked, tying her to the mast of the ship. 

"What're you planning to do with me?" She asked, still pissed. "Keep you here till the Captain gets back." He said, standing above her, "Why'd you come here in the first place? And who are you?" He asked. "I told you, i'm (Y/N). And isn't it obvious what i'm doing here?" She said, gesturing to the bag with treasure stuffed in it, "Now will you let me go? I'll leave the treasure." She sighed.

 Zoro laughed, sitting down beside her, "No way." He yawned, "I'm going to sleep." He closed his eyes and crossed his arms, snoring almost immediately. "You're kidding me! Asshole! Wake up! Let me go!" She wriggled in the ropes, trying to break out. (Y/N) eventually stopped and sighed, leaning on the mast. She let her head drop down and yawned, Zoro completely passed out next to her. 

 Zoro's sleeping body flopped over onto hers, she blushed and instinctively tried to move but the ropes held her in place. She let his head rest on her shoulder, his soft snores filling the silence. Her thoughts raced, thinking about what might happen to her once the Captain returned. 

She stared out at the ocean, the ocean waves and Zoro's soft breathing calming her. (Y/N) let her head rest on his, she sighed, muting all of her thoughts and just focusing on the man sleeping on her. His green hair felt soft on her cheek, (Y/N) closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the faint smell of metal and sweat drifting from the swordsman. "Dammit." She muttered, closing her eyes and letting herself drift off to sleep. 


damn i haven't written in forever this feels weird. please give me some criticism cuz something feels off idk. anyways lemme know what u think about this and feel free to give me requests :3 

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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