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The stars are nice. Saying they're gorgeous or that I can see the beauty of nature while looking at them is cliché and cringe, but I must admit they're nice.

That is what I would say if I could see any. Unfortunately, I'm in the middle of the Starr Park Professional Wrestling ring with lights flying in all directions happily polluting the sky. But it could be worse. I could be experiencing so many kinds of pain that my system temporarily shuts down.

I tried lifting my arm but only managed a dry heave. My scarf rolled me onto my stomach and we worked together to try and stand again. I was so sure that I had the advantage but after going for a leaping blow El Primo countered it perfectly.

My pride got broken.

As I moved from a prone crawl to a crouching knee I could feel fire running down my back. Velvet threading scratched at my palms though the rolling of my shoulder blades sent a soaring pain through my neck and then down my spine.

My back might have been broken.

As I looked at the crowd they had switched from cheering for me to basking in El Primo's glory. Occasionally I would catch a call for me to get up but they were being drowned out by the ringing in my ears. I didn't care.

It was the silver lining in the front I was leaning on. Cowering beneath Bull's massive shadow. I could almost hear her gasping just like me. And the concern in her eyes made my stomach turn.

My heart had been broken.

Again I tried to rise. While El Primo continued to parade around the ring (much to the applaud of the fans) I desperately attempted to form a sentence through gasps for life. I couldn't lick a drop of oxygen if it was a lollipop with cherry flavoring. What's going on? I've been slammed lots of times by various people, but this felt different.

When I made it to my feet it was shaky at best. My toes were still tingling from the pain coursing through my spine. I was able to get a solid vertical by leaning against the turnbuckle. I watched as Primo finished his miniature fanfare with a bounce.

When our eyes met, Primo laughed as he lifted his palms above his head. I was a bit perplexed. What kind of attack was he preparing for now? An overhead chop? Maybe some grappling move. I needed to be prepared for anything. At least that's what I thought until a fan screamed, "Test your strength newbie!"

I shot around to refocus on Primo. He was standing in the ring's center patiently waiting. The longer I waited the more restless they grew. Chants roared up with the emotional tidal wave that had been surging all night long. There was a part of me that wanted to falter. I wanted to get out of here. I never wanted to fight in the first place, but I always get roped up into these situations.

I reached a hand down to the middle rope. I'll just slip out of the ring and walk away. But as I prepared for a sleek exit, my scarf snapped my head to the right. No matter how I shifted my eyes it course-corrected until I saw her. Colette had this nervous look I could see from miles away. One that showed she feared for my safety. As flattering a feeling as it was, it hurt to realize she had such little faith in my abilities.

Before I realized it I was walking forward. Arms outstretched and ready to get into a dangerous lock-up with this wrestling giant. My body refused to look weak in front of her.

As I drew closer Primo's hands came down. He had to hold them just above his stomach to meet mine at my head. My hands were tiny compared to his massive, gloved palms. When our grips locked, he stood still as I tried to force him back. My feet slipped below me while he visibly yawned at my fruitless attempts. In response he causally tossed me aside, forcing me to tumble back into the corner I had just arisen from.

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