Chapter 1

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                                                             =CHAPTER ONE=


              "wait... what going on?"


              I woke up, this is crazy! Hey, I'm Bananarine and I'm a vampire, my name might sound weird but you will understand it later, right now I have to escape! I am being followed, I could feel it, my instincts are running through my blood. I can't tell you much right now but I am writing this as I am being followed, by someone, I don't understand, I have nightmares of monsters, horrifying monsters, the ones you see in comic books, but it's real, enough, let the story begin!

                I started out as a regular vampire, no name, no identity, paranoid, lost. I have been living this way since I was a 3 when my parents left me, I had a brother but he was found lost during an adventure long ago. You might think that vampires are super quick, strong and seen only at night. I've seen what Humans made, complete fools. I have never seen any other vampires except my parents and  brother. I have a strong feeling that we are the only ones. Something terrible happened to the race of vampires, but what? That is what I've been trying to find out. I have been hunitng, making the general things that are needed to survive, we might not have quick speed but we are very agile. I am 20 years old now, at least that's what I think but I have set off a journey to find my kind. I don't even know if my parents and brother is alive or not, I certianly hope so. 

              "ugh again?" Another god damn nightmare. I have been having a lot  of nightmare since I started this hopeless adventure. I don't know where I am right now, it seems like I am in a jungle or a rain forest, it's been raining for a while now and I am starving to death. Since I have time, I'm going to tell you what I've found so far. The other day, I found a note on a chopped tree stump, it reads:

                                                                      LOST VAMPIRE

                                                        Lost vampire in the woods. HELP


3 years ago....why is it still here? Maybe the vampire who wrote this have forgot the year, there is no mankind around here so I assume so, the note haven't been ripped or anything. I've been trying to search for the kid ever since the note, guess what? No clues, just random nightmares. So that's what I've found during this adventure, the woods are very quiet and it is almost soundless at night, all i know is that the vampire is still alive, I have been following his trails of notes. It seems like the vampire have the nightmares too. Few days have passed, this is going nowhere! I can't find anything, I'm on the urge of giving up until.... *Footsteps* ......... "HEY WHAT ARE YOU, DON'T MOVE OR I WILL KILL YOU!" the mysterious creature screamed.

"Are you a vampire?" I said urgently, I didn't dare moving. "Yes." he simply replied, I was relieved and asked him a few questions and he was the one I was trying to find the whole time. "What's your name?" He asked, I didn't reply, I couldn't. "Well, my name is Razer." he said, "I'm guessing you don't have a name?", "Yeah." I replied, "how'd you know?", He said that a lot of vampires doesn't have names. "Wait... there are others?" I said with a surprising look. "Yeah, the vampires have fallen ages ago, I have in this world for 300 years!" He said loudly, "I was one of the survivors from the big war named Fallen, we lost the war and have been cursed to have nightmares until the monsters have been defeated."

He told me alot  about the wars are the monsters I have never heard of, they are called "NightStalkers". They sound terrifying, he also told me after the vampires have been defeated, the days are forever night. They have cursed us with nightmares and made us weak so we have no chance of killing them. The night was slow after meeting this vampire, we have talked about our past and get to know each other, we also agreed that we are going to journey together. Little did I know, meeting this vampire had change my hopeless adventure into a story of a life time.

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