Vessels of Darkness (Shez, Shelle, Alfonse and Sharena)

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Alfonse was losing sleep. He did not want to go back to sleep as soon as a nightmare came to him... he had seen Camila perish by the hands of a witch.

He sighs, for he refuses to show Sharena a weak side of him. He had plenty of moments when he almost killed Sharena when he was Morsayati's puppet by Thórr's control of his powers.

He grabs Folkvangr and leaves Garreg Mach, attempting to greet Camila, Seteth, Flayn and Rhea as they return from the mission.

The next morning, as Shez and Shelle were talking about mercenary stuff, Sharena walks up to them.

"Hey, have you both seen my brother?" She asks.

"Blue and blond hair, blue eyes and always wearing white?" Shez asked. "Nope."

"Strange." Sharena shook her head. "He was with me last night. And he never leaves without warning me."

"If he had left the Monastery on his own, that would be fine..." Shell stroked her chin. "But he didn't say anything... so that is worrying."

"Come on. Let's go." Shez added.

"I hope you're ok, Alfonse..." Sharena thought to herself.

Meanwhille, Alfonse had arrived to Zanado, the Red Canyon. He looked around in confusion.

"Wait... Why am I in Zanado?" He thought to himself. "They were supposed to be in Rhodos Coast getting the artifacts from the Church... I better get back..."

"Graaaaaaaaaaah..." A growl was heard.

Alfonse took out Folkvangr. He looked around to see were the growl was coming from...

He was having enough of Beasts... first Aelfric transforming into the Umbral Beast, then Miklam transformed into the Black Beast, next Grand Duke Rufus transforming into the Vengeful Beast and noe this?!

"Focus, Alfonse... do not get scared..."

Suddenly, a Golden Snake appeared and attacked him.

He blocked the attack with his shield, but it almost breaks to pieces.

The Golden Scales of the serpent shimmered in the sun as green eyes glared at him...

These eyes were similar to the spells done by Emblian royals.

Alfonse charged to the snake. He tried to slice it, but his attack delfected.

The Monster hissed and charged to bite Alfonse.

Dark magic could be felt in Alfonse's hand.

"Not now..." He thought to himself, but the magic was crawling into his arm.

The Golden Snake slithered in circles. Dark magic loomed in Alfonse. He could feel like the Black Mana could surround him at any point.

"GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" The snake hissed and went to bite Alfonse.

The dark magic reflected the monster, breaking off one of its tusks.

"What?" He saw the magic disappear.

"Alfonse?!" Sharena's voice brought him to his senses.

He turned around to see his sister, Shez and Shelle running off to his position.

"Are you ok?!" Shelle asked him.

"I'm fine." He nodded.

"Remind us to know where you're going." Shez told him.

The Golden Snake hissed at the group and charged to attack.

"Everyone!!" Shez shouted. "Attack with all you can!!"

"Got it!" Sharena nodded.

Everyone fought the Golden Snake as it kept attacking. The Creature had injured Alfonse on his arm.

It took Shez and Shelle activating Arval's powers to take down the Golden Snake for good.

The creature vanished into dust.

"Agh..." Alfonse had to hold his injured arm, which was dripping with blood.

"Let me use an antitoxin on that." Shelle said as she placed medicine on Alfonse's injury.

"Alfonse!" Sharena looked angrily at her brother. "Do you not know how worried I was?! I was looking all over for you throughout the entire monastery! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!"

Alfonse had a saddened expression. He forgot how much his sister worries for him... ever since he was captured by Thórr.

"I'm sorry, Sharena..." He goes to her. "I didn't want to worry you... especially when I had a nightmare."

"Nightmare?" Shelle looked at him. "What nightmare?"

Alfonse, hesitantly, told the three of them the nightmare he got... when the Order of Heroes fought a witch that controlled golden serpents and Camila took the attack for Alfonse and she transformed into dust infront of him.

Shez and Shelle were horrified when he heard the details and Sharena was on the verge of crying.

"My gods..." Shez shook his head. "That is horrifying."

"I cannot believe it..." Shelle hissed.

"I'm sorry..." Alfonse sighed. "I shouldn't have said-"

Sharena hugs her brother, trying not to cry.

"I'm so sorry!!" She sobbed. "I didn't mean to scream at you!!"

"It's alright." Alfonse said. "I deserve that."

"Come on." Shez said. "Let's go back to Garreg Mach."

"Alright." Shelle nodded.


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