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"So, how was the party?" Crystal's fellow bartender asked her at work the next day, pouring a drink for herself since the place was fairly slow that evening.

"About as good as a six year old's birthday can get." Crystal answered, leaning against the counter and having to fight to keep herself awake. She had gone over to her sister's house this morning to help with the cleanup they didn't feel like tackling when the party had ended. "I forgot how messy kids are."

"Which is exactly why Jackie and I aren't having any." Her friend said before downing the shot quickly. She grimaced before shaking her head and turning to Crystal. "That reminds me. Are you coming out with us this weekend?"

Crystal had forgotten she had told her she would have to think about it. And now a week had gone by and she still hadn't decided. It wasn't that she didn't like going out with her friends, she did, she just didn't care for being the third wheel all the time.

"I'll let you know soon, Jan. I promise." Crystal said, slowly pulling the shot glass away from her so she didn't pour another. "And you know we aren't supposed to be drinking on the job."

"But I'm so bored-" Jan huffed, looking out at the empty bar stools and tables around them. "There's no one interesting here today."

Crystal didn't at all mind that they weren't busy. It gave her time to sort out her thoughts.

Since yesterday, she couldn't get Gigi out of her head and she didn't understand why. Maybe it was the way she was so good with kids, maybe it was the way she completely embodied the character she was playing even better than some Disneyland employee, or maybe it was just the way she was the most beautiful girl she had ever laid eyes on. She tried to ignore the third option. It wasn't like Gigi had left behind a business card that she could get her number from, and she knew for a fact that she'd probably never see her again.

At least she thought.

For the first time in about an hour, the door to the bar opened. Crystal looked up, almost choking and earning a concerned look from Jan.

Gigi stepped inside, looking a lot less put together than the day before, but it was unmistakably her. Her hair was messy and her head was low, and she kept her arms around herself as she took a seat at the bar.

Jan tilted her head. "She looks upset." She said, starting to walk over. "I'll take this one."

"No-" Crystal pulled her back, unable to stop herself. "I-I'll do it. Please?" She tried not to sound suspicious, but the blush creeping up on her face did little to help.

Jan raised a brow, glancing between her and Gigi before nodding. "Alright. If you want."

Crystal let out a sigh of relief when Jan walked to the back and didn't ask any questions. She approached Gigi, who had laid her head in her arms, trying to think of something to say. She gently knocked on the counter. "Gigi, right?"

The other girl jumped a bit, raising her head to find Crystal looking down at her in concern. She rubbed her eyes before nodding and straightening herself out. "Y-Yeah..." She stuttered, looking her over. "...You're the girl from yesterday, right? Luna's aunt?"

"That's me, you can call me Crystal. I thought you looked familiar." Crystal tried to come off as completely normal and bit her tongue to keep herself from asking if she had been crying. The tear stains on Gigi's face pretty much answered that question. "Um...are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Gigi said quickly, brushing her hair out of her face as she looked over the drink options. "Just fine. What do you recommend?"

Crystal didn't believe her, but she didn't know her well enough to press for answers. She didn't want to overstep boundaries with someone she had only met once. "I can make you something sweet with rum if you'd like?

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