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Ayato has been drowning in paperwork for the past week. He sighed when he saw another pile of paperwork being plopped onto his desk. But this time it wasn't dropped off by his usual assistant he looked up as he heard a loud voice say "here ya go boss" he looked up to see a tall Oni with a able body physique he quickly looked down realizing he was staring for too long, "thank you," he mumbled awkwardly, a slight crimson brushing his features. "Anything else for you sir?" The Oni asked "Well could I have your name?" Ayato smirked, "Well my name is Arataki Itto nice to be of your service!". Ayato smiled, "pleasure to be acquainted Mr. Arataki Itto." He stated, leaning forward resting his head on his hands.

Itto strode into ayato's office resting a cup of coffee on his desk, "Good Morning Mr. Kamisato, here's your coffee." Itto grinned, stepping away from his desk. "Thank you, I value the help you've given me" Ayato picked up the cup of coffee and took a small sample of the beverage savoring the compound palate."exquisite" he mumbled astonished at itto's level of exporties. "Thank you!" Itto beamed, bowing a little bit out of respect to a superior. Ayato smiled and nodded, "of course, my pleasure." Itto nodded and stood there awkwardly, unsure of what to do next. "Itto?" His head shot over to Ayato, facing toward him but avoiding eye contact. "Itto, words please." He said softly gliding his hands across his desk, getting ready to get out of his chair. "I don't know what to do sir," He muttered anxiously, Ayato smiled maliciously. "Well you can start by," he stood up, placing his hands on his desk, leaning toward Itto, getting close to his face. "Finishing this paper work," Itto nodded, walking over to Ayato's desk waiting for him to move so he could sit down at the desk. Ayato moved out of the way, gesturing his hand to the desk, like a gentleman. "Please, have a seat, sir," He said, the devious smile still present on his face. Itto sat down, nervously checking the paper work. A few minutes passed and ayato hovered over his shoulder watching intensely, his hot breath tingling against ittos neck making him shutter. "You're doing  such a good job, good boy~" ittos face grew red hot and his writing became shaky. "Thank you sir." He stuttered cautiously. "Mm, no need to thank me," Ayato cooed, running his hands down his shirt and across his chest. Itto stayed silent, the red in his face more prominent now, "not gonna talk to me? Mm that's not fair,use your words sweetheart, I want to hear your pretty voice." Ayato's voice came out gruff and harsh, Itto continued to stay silent, afraid to speak. Ayato pulled his chair back, separating Itto from the desk; he swung his leg over Itto, straddling his lap. Ayato leaned forward, his lips inches away from itto's neck "are you sure you don't want to say anything? I could give you what you want if you just say the magic words~" ittos breath hitched and his hands trembled, sweating. "What are the magic words?" He whispered, stuttering a little. "I don't know Itto, what are they?" He mumbled. "Let me finish my work please?" Itto said curiously, slightly oblivious to ayato's actions. "Dumb-fuck." Ayato grumbled, moving his head away from his neck, crashing his lips into his, This, catching Itto off guard made him groan softly. their lips moved in sync, hotly, saliva passing between the two's mouths as their tongues intertwined. Gasps and moans weaseled their  way out of their lips, the room suddenly seeming to be hotter than before. Ayato broke the kiss, moving his hands down towards the buttons on ittos shirt, slowly popping out each button from its place, revealing ittos bare upper half, slipping the shirt fully off of him, tossing it aside. "Ayato?" Itto muttered, shy of his nakedness, "yes?" Grumbled ayato, wanting to get on with their endeavor, "Can you," He gestures to ayato's clothes making him smile. "Words Itto, or I'm not gonna give it to you," He sputtered trying to find the words to say, "your clothes, can you... remove them please." Ayato smiled dubiously, taking off his suit coat and then his shirt, slowly unzipping his fly and unbuttoning his pants but stopping before giving itto the satisfaction of seeing him nude. "Pants off, now," ittos face grew more red the more aggressive ayato got, liking it rough.ayato got off ittos lap, allowing him to remove his other garments. Itto, now completely nude, covered himself in a shy manner. "No need to be embarrassed, I think you look absolutely... divine~" he grabbed ittos waist propping him on top of his desk. Itto glanced down at his hardening erection looking up at ayato. "Pants please," Itto mumbled, nearly inaudible, ayato stripped himself of the rest of his clothes, his erection prominently large. Ayato stepped forward, palming ittos erection making him gasp and squirm under his touch, "be a good boy for me and keep your sounds down would you please?" Ayato asked but it came off as more of a demand. Itto nodded and bucked his hips forward into Ayato's palm, trying to create as much friction against his member,Ayato squeezed harder, massaging it roughly. Itto gripped his shoulders, his nails digging into the skin of ayato's back, leaving marks that may possibly turn into scars across his shoulder blades. "Fuck~" ayato moaned as ittos nails continued to scratch against his back, his hard on twitched at the sight of Itto melting against his touch. "Please fuck me ayato~" ayato's eyes grew wide, not expecting Itto to say something like that, sure he was intentionally going to fuck him but he wasn't expecting Itto to ask. "Anything you desire darling~" he said, grabbing the "conveniently placed" condom and lube from a drawer labeled Itto on his desk. He rolled the condom on his member, squirting a dollop of lube into his palm slathering it onto ittos hole, Itto gasped at the cold tingling feeling of the lube. Ayato pushed a digit into Itto making him gasp and squirm, ayato pumped in and out of ittos, going slowly but slowly picking up pace, adding more fingers as he went stretching his tight hole. Ayato pulled his fingers out, Itto whimpered at the loss of contact but soon arching his back with overwhelming pleasure as Ayato slipped his erection into Itto waiting for him to adjust to his size. Once he got the ok from Itto he thrusted aggressively into Itto making him scream and moan while ayato railed him. Ittos member twitched, leaking precum. Ayato wrapped his hand around ittos member pumping up and down giving him the full experience. His fluids spilled into ayato's hand along with his own fluids into itto, pulling out he grabbed some napkin, cleaning him up before giving him intense after care.

Random one shots I made with my friend- enjoy-Where stories live. Discover now