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   Backward to 5 years ago, I was having an aiming and shooting practice in a glade with my target far from me, when I saw a butterfly; I smiled and ran off, abandoning the practise instantly, just to catch it as it flew recklessly and slightly beyond my reach. Still running and not minding the ground, I slipped and fell, breaking my index finger at my right hand. Dad was sorry but regardless scolds me. I felt he was robbing me my happiness and the right to be a child with lovely memories...and then at that same time, he sat me down and told me what I can't forget.

   "It takes a lot to achieve what you want...and it takes what you want to achieve a lot. Soonest, I will be away from you, but not just the way your mum got kidnapped." He said as he massaged my finger, making me yell in pain.
He knew I was hurt with those words but for a reason or so, he couldn't tell me about mum's disappearance or how she was kidnapped and he doesn't mind telling me why he would be away. I looked at his face and swallowed. He had this bruise he obtained after he came back home. The scar left his face a little bit rough.
I suspected he escaped from war or something, which was in Mexico, having his teammates killed and him coming back alive. Weeks after he came home and mum's kidnap, he trained me on how to handle a pistol, rifle, revolver and other firearms. He furthermore taught me combats and taekwondo, how to drive and drift vehicles and cycle. He trained me on how to kill, and made me realise that I must run out of options before I make a kill, like self-defence or something relating to that.
Yes, I made my first massive kill when I was 15.

Vividly, I remembered when we had a car chase, right from when we zoomed out from a shopping mall, we hit into the road and at the process; we were followed by 2 unknown vehicles then 3 cops. Dad took out a pistol and told me to shoot back at the pursuing vehicles.
"But they are cops" I said looking at him, confused.

"Corrupt cops" He said, smirking.
"Corrupt cops?" I asked. But my answer was given when my side mirror got ripped off by a bullet. Shaking my head, I loaded the pistol and from my window, I shot severally at the nearest Honda. I aimed so good at the cops, and then the driver, making the car to divert into a wrong direction with continuous hooting of horn. This left the rest, furious and determined to take us out. I sat back into the car when I ran out of bullets.


"Just keep shooting." he ordered, concentrating on the road. I weakly loaded my pistol and aim at the tyre of another car, making the car to crash into another. I fell back and held my hand, biting my lower lips.

"Were you shot" he asked looking at my bloody fingers.
"Come take the wheel" he said as he took the pistol and switched positions with little difficulty. Now on wheels, I hit the gas pedal and held the steering firmly. I sped and passed through cars and made a painful smile when I saw a narrow alley ahead.
With the handbrake, I drifted with ease and then had to ride with a reverse, making it easy for dad to eliminate the cops.
I drove into the alley, avoiding every trash bin and tearing down blocked road covered with cage. 2 cars followed us and dad has to sit back.

"You are losing much blood" he said opening the dashboard and bringing a wipe and bandage. He made to treat my wounds when I asked amidst pain, still concentrating on the road at my back.

"You got a lachrymator?"

He brought out one and gave it to me, looking confused. I pulled the ring and threw it at the chasing vehicles. I trust there was a whole lot as I heard a loud crash and choking voices.
"You didn't tell me all these would happen" I said, biting my lower lips as he treated the wound.

He sighed.
"I'm sorry, little angel. We will be travelling to the U.S soonest, but for now, we got to be careful" He assured.
It seems peaceful till when it went up again months later, when I came back home from school and couldn't find mum. Dad was moody that day, and that was when I instantly stopped school. We travelled three days after the incident, to U.S where we lived with caution and alert until the day the cops took Dad.


Presently in USA
I elevated the mug to my lips, swallowing the liquor, and my eyes glue to my laptop, researching about the states cops, their recruits and information about them. I slid the stray of hair covering my eye to my ear region.
My phone rang...
"Charles...oh" I said as I stare at the wall clock.
"I will be right there" I texted at him, shutting my laptop lid.
I grab my jacket, sunglasses and pistol, and walked down to the garage to take my bike.


"You know, I'd always thought I was a pacifist till my family shattered" I said, nodding my head.
" are not sure of what your Dad did, and you think your dad is innocent about the whole thing, like a frame up or something" Charles asked, looking me straight in the eye.

I sighed and smirked.
"I wouldn't say, but I can swear on that" I said, relaxing back.
We were both in an eatery for more than an hour, and he had a chilled beer already. I brought out my phone, entered into my contact and attempted dialling Lawyer Gerald, but I paused.

"Can I call my..." but I stopped halfway when I saw Charles, not at his sitting position, but at the order queue, smiling sheepishly to me from there. I smiled back and pulled my phone aside.
He was so cringe, funny and playful, rather full of options.

Seconds later, 4 huge men walked in and made their way to a vacant seat. I looked intensely and smiled at one of them. He smiled and frowned immediately. Then brought out a big rifle and shot above.

"Robbery, yes, its robbery time..." announced another huge robber.
"To save your silly ass, lie flat on the ground with your purse and jewelleries beside you. Don't try your unfortunate self."
Everyone, even Charles was already on the ground.

"Hey, you there..." one of them spotted me out.
"You little tough b!tch" whispered the first man I smiled at before.
"Didn't your mum teach you how to obey" He asked as he came closer.
"Of course, she did" I said, still seated.
"But not from robbers..." I continued. Everyone gasped
"Yoho, that's my baby" Charles yelled from where he laid.
"One more word" a robber close to him said, pointing a gun at him.
"Oh yea, I see, and what about I teach you now, by kicking your little ass" The man coming at me, threatened.
"You will regret this day, you attempted hurting a lady" I said smiling, still calm on my seat.

Furiously, he charged at me...

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