Part 1

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The sky was ashen, the clouds swelled, ready to release their burden onto the land below. The sandy shores were abandoned, the waves angrily lashing out, attempting to swallow anything and everything that stood in their way. But two young lads were undeterred by the foaming sea; promising to stay in town, they quickly made their way to the beach. Taking off their shoes and socks, they ran across the empty landscape, giggling as the damp sand squished between their toes.

"Hey Sean! Let's go onto the rocks! I heard that Merrows come out during storms!"

"Killian, Ma said never to go on the rocks! They're dangers, ya know!"

"Pfft, we've already broken one rule, another ain't gonna hurt! Unless... YOU'RE CHICKEN."

"I am not! I'm the bossiest boss to have ever bossed!"

"Prove it!"

"Fine! Race you to the rocks! 3 2 1 GO!"

"Ey no fair!"

Killian whined as Sean took off, leaving his friend in his dust. Sean laughed as he turned his head, sticking his tongue out at Killian as he began to climb onto the slippery rocks, the waves lapping at his ankles. As Sean reached the top, a sudden crack of lightening illuminated the sky, followed by a low, menacing growl of thunder. And as Killian joined Sean, the rain began to fall, but that didn't stop either boy from venturing further out onto the rocks.

"Can ya see any Merrows Sean?"

"Not yet! You sure they come out in storms?"

"Positive! It's what me brother always told me!"

As the lads crept closer and closer to the end of the rocks, the rain began to pick up, accompanied by a howling wind. Another crack of lightening ripped through the sky, the grumbling thunder hot on its heels. Sean began to get worried, the rocks were awfully slippery and sharp, and since he was barefoot, he didn't have great balance.

"Killian, I think we should head back now! This storm's getting crazy and our mum's are gonna kill us!"

"C'mon Sean, I didn't even get to see one yet!"

"Killian please!"

"UGH. Fiiiiiine, I guess, but you gotta promise to show me a Merrow one day!"

But Sean didn't get a chance to promise anything. As he began to walk back, Sean suddenly slipped, and as if it were in slow motion, he began to fall into the choppy waters. Letting out a shrill scream, Sean watched as Killian stared back at him, his eyes filled with horror. And, just like that, Sean was gone, swallowed up by the ocean. On the way down, Sean's ankle twisted, making swimming to the surface near impossible for the panic stricken child. Gasping for air, he only swallowed water as he sunk deeper and deeper, into the unknown. Thrashing as he began to drown, Sean felt his life begin to slip away from his grasp, only to have it thrust back into his arms.

Euphorically Drowning - SepticplierWhere stories live. Discover now