Author's Note - Sorry

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Hey everyone~

I am extremely sorry for not updating this in weeks~

Here  are a number of things keeping me from updating:

- Increased family outings

- Still getting used to this computer/ Updates out the wazoo

- My dad turns 50 tomorrow

- My cousin got me the family Netflix on my computer

- I'm on a Criminal Minds binge

- The cat is a fat needy bastard who will keep me from writing as she sits on my chest, demanding attention

- I got heavily addicted to Rooster Teeth montages

- My internet hates me

- Did I mention more family outings?

So yeah....

After my dad's birthday I'll try to finish the story~

Again, I'm so sorry for the delay~

My summer's been nuts~

There are so many forest fires in my province, B.C, that the smoke was covering our skies like fog~

It's been crazy here~

Thought I'd update you guys~

Thank you for being so patient~

Love you guys~


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