Part 3

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"Eh Sean, did you know that Merrows have little funny hats that allow them to be on land? Me brother told me!"

"Oh really? What does it look like?"

"Who knows? My bother told me that they looked kinda like a feathered cap!"

"Pfft! Why would a Merrow wear feathers in the sea? It would just get wet and be ruined."

"I dunno, maybe they plucked them from seagulls or something. I bet they look really fancy!"

"I bet they look really stupid!"

"Oi! They're not stupid looking, my brother says they look awesome!"

"Has he even seen a Merrow Killian?"

"Of course he has! Or at least, that's what he always tells me.. He wouldn't lie to me, right Sean?"

"I dunno man. Yer brother always seems a little funny."

"That's why I love him! Nobody wants a boring sibling, which makes my brother the best in the world!"

The two young lads were walking along the main beach of their home town. It had been two years since the near death experience for Jack, and the topic of Merrows was still going as strong as ever. Killian picked up a stick lying on the beach, smiling widely as he began to draw in the sand. Curious, Jack stood off to the side, giving his friend room to draw. Not many people were on the beach again, as it was a cloudy Sunday afternoon. You would think that they wouldn't be allowed to be alone on the beach, but no one could ever keep an eye on boys for long, especially this pair.

"You know who this is Sean?"

"A Merrow, who else? Yer always drawing 'em."

"Her name is Molly the Merrow! And she's my sister, according to me brother."

"You don't have a sister, silly!"

"Nah man, ye don't understand! Ye know that girl on the fireplace that no one talks about? The little kid with ginger hair and blue eyes and freckles? Kian says her name's Molly, and that she was our sister. She's two years older than me! Kian says the reason that she's not home is because she went to her true home, in the sea!"

"That's stupid! If she's a Merrow wouldn't you be one too?"

"Maybe I am! I just haven't matured yet!"

"And Kian? Why would he hide that from ye? And where's his fins?"

"I dunno, maybe he's shy, and Merrows can hide their fins to be human, I've told ya that before! Maybe he doesn't wanna leave too, or maybe he just visits the ocean. I mean, Molly left for good after she became a Merrow. Ya know, I wouldn't leave ya forever if I became one Sean!"

Euphorically Drowning - SepticplierWhere stories live. Discover now