{Chaeyoung} - you're the tenth member of twice and get hurt by fans

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"That was a long flight," Tzuyu said as you walked behind the other members, Chaeyoung on your other side as you got off the plane.

You're finally home after a busy few weeks spent touring around with your nine best friends.

Since you went to a few new and different places than all the tours you've done before, your flight home was longer than usual, and you're all feeling quite tired.

You all know you're bound to have a bunch of fans and paparazzi waiting for you in the airport. You always do.

But you always get through it and you figured you'd be in the cars and driving off to the dorm in no time.

"Whoa..." Chaeyoung muttered as the screams got louder and louder.

You opened your tired eyes a little more and noticed there were more fans awaiting your arrival than usual.

Everything seemed to be going fine as you walked into the airport, the screams coming from everyone inside just as loud as the ones you and the girls heard each night when you performed.

The fans seemed to be quite excited and knowing they've most likely been waiting here for a long while, you pushed aside how completely exhausted you felt and waved at them all.

But that wasn't enough for them.

This doesn't happen every day and they were amazed to see you and the girls up close like this.

But they must've felt as though they weren't close enough as their excitement and admiration got the best of them and they started to run toward you.

You immediately felt shaken up, feeling as though your space and privacy were invaded far too much for your liking.

You felt extremely uncomfortable and kept looking toward the doors, your feet moving even faster against the floor as you tried to get out to the door and into the safety of the car as quickly as you could.

Usually, the fans in the airport aren't this wild. They might pull their phones out and take videos and photos, but they don't usually crowd around you to this extent. It was scary.

"Please, give us some space," you begged as you began to get closer to the doors, although they still seemed so far away.

The guards were doing their best to protect you and the girls but it was hard when so many fans were getting so close to you.

And then, as if it couldn't get any worse, they started to grab at you.

Your shirt suddenly got ripped, the fabric tearing as the fans pulled at it.

You felt their nails scratching against your shoulders and your arms, as well as your hands as they tried to grab at them, too.

You felt like you couldn't breathe and the feeling only got worse as they tugged at your hair a little, a few of the strands being pulled out from not just the force and grip they had, but also the fact that you had to keep moving no matter what.

By the time you made it out of the doors, you were incredibly shaken up and tears were in your eyes.

You got into the car with Chaeyoung sitting beside you.

"That was rough," Chaeyoung said as she tried to catch her breath.

You sniffled from beside her and she instantly turned her head to look at you.

At first, she didn't think you were hurt. She thought you were only a little afraid.

But then, she noticed your shoulders and your arms and she was shocked by the sight.

"Y/N, you're bleeding a little!" She said and looked over your arms and shoulders. "Your shirt was ripped? You're hurt! Why didn't you say anything?"

You couldn't say anything, still quite shaken up.

The only good thing Chaeyoung could see was that you weren't terribly injured. Definitely not bad enough to need stitches or to have to take a trip to the hospital. It was something the first aid kit at home would fix.

But she was worried about you nevertheless.

"The scratched me and tugged at my hair." You sniffled.

"Oh, y/n." She said with a heavy sigh. "You're not hurt too badly but I know you must be so frightened. I'm so sorry." She said before pulling you into her arms, giving you a gentle hug. "As soon as we get back to the dorm, I'll be making sure we get you all cleaned up. I promise. We'll take good care of you."

She reached up to dry your tears, so grateful that you hadn't been hurt worse than this.

"We're going to have to say something. I won't let you get hurt like this again. None of us will." She promised and you just nodded, putting your chin on her shoulder.

You were trembling and she was holding you tightly, trying to comfort you as she looked out the window on occasion, relieved to see that you were almost home.

The fans had gone a step too far today and she knew something had to be said.

Because you weren't just frightened like you sometimes get in these situations, you had been injured.

Although it could be so much worse, it should've never happened in the first place, and she was going to make sure that this never happens to you again.

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