Chapter one

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I stood in my quarters for that last time, just looking around. All my paintings and drawings were off the walls, non of my sculptures were on that tables or shelves, all my books were gone, everything just looked so bare. I didn't know how to feel about this. I was never good with emotions. I never knew what to do when I felt them. It wasn't easy being half Vulcan and human and growing up on Vulcan.

I heard my door open. "Keeva?" That was William, my friend. I knew it was him because he was the only one who would come into my room without being told. I could also recognize his footsteps.

"Keeva, you're leaving soon, don't want to be late."
"Trying to get rid of me, Will?'
"No of corse not"
"Come on, you know I'll miss ya. What are you doing anyway?"
"Just taking one last look around."
"Feeling emotional?"
"No, I just want to remember this place."

Will had been my friend since the academy, has been my only friend, my best friend. Which is ironic because he is one of the most emotional people I know, and he insists on sarcasm. He has tried to teach me how sarcasm works, I think I am finally starting to get it. Will has always been there for me. He knows how I struggle with emotions. Most people tend to ignore me because I am a "half breed" but Will never did. I think I will truly miss him when I leave.

"Are you.....exited to be reassigned?"
"No, well I don't know?"
"Well I know you have been looking forward to going onto the Enterprise."
"Yeah, I heard there is another Vulcan on board, I would like to meet him."
"I've heard that too."
"Doing research?"
"Well of course. I wanted to see what this would be like for you."
"You don't need to look anything up, I'm going to stay in touch."
"You better, or I will have to have a mutiny on this ship until we come find you."
"Will, that's illogical. I-"
"Keeva, a joke."
"Oh right, jokes."
"You better go, it would bad being late, but even worse for a Vulcan."
"Goodbye Will."
"Bye Keeva."

Will gave me a hug and walked out of my quarters. I don't think I will ever get used to the action of hugging. I gave my bare room one last look over, then walked out towards the transporter. Making sure to look at every
little detail before leaving my first ship. When I reached the transporter room my captain was waiting for me.

"Keeva it's been a pleasure having you aboard"
"Thank you Captain."

We said nothing else and I walked onto the transporter pad. My Captain and I never connected so this goodbye wasn't heartbreaking for him. I stood on the pad taking one last look around.


With that I was gone. Standing in my transporter room, then on the Enterprise's. It looked the same as ours. There was no difference, except for that fact that this room was 14.6 centimeters bigger. I figured that was something a human wouldn't notice.

"Welcome to the Enterprise. I'm Captain James Kirk. You must be Keeva."
"Yes I am."
"You got a last name."
"No it's just Keeva."
"Alright then, I am assuming that you will want to get to work as soon as possible, being Vulcan."
"Yes sir."
"I have my first officer waiting for you. He'll show you your quarters, but first he'll take you to sickbay for a physical. He is also my science officer, same as you. I also figured you would like to meet him, he is also Vulcan."
"Yes Captain, I've heard that there was another Vulcan on board, I've looked forward to meeting him."
"I believe he's felt the same about you. Right this way."

He led me out of the room and we started walking towards the turbo lifts. We walked in silence for a bit. I liked this Captain, there was  something about him that intrigued me. I have never had a feeling like this before. I've never had many feelings at all. I of course have to hide this feeling, I don't even know what this is.

We walked into the lift. "So you grew up on Vulcan?"
"Yes I did, I lived there most.... of my life." Vulcans cannot lie, but this wasn't really a lie.
"I visited it once. It was"
"For humans yes, for Vulcans its perfect." I managed a small smile.
"Yes I have heard."
"From the other Vulcan?"
"Yes, and the fact that no Vulcans were sweating when we visited there."
"Well yes that would give it away."
"Well I know Vulcan is a big planet, but maybe you know our First Officer"
"It is possible, however the odds are-"
"You are definitely Vulcan."

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. I never smiled at my old captain. It is unlikely that I will know this Vulcan, or so I thought. When the turbo lift's door opened I couldn't believe my eyes.


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