Chapter Two

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I stood there shocked, or as shocked as I could be. I couldn't believe it was him, after so many years Spock was standing right in front of me. I couldn't tell if I was happy or surprised, or maybe I was both, but I feel like I should be mad. You could probably see my emotions on my face, I was never good at hiding them when I had them. When I looked at Spock, I saw nothing. He had mastered controlling his emotions.

"Keeva? You're.. here?" I could almost hear the emotion in his voice.
"Well yes, it would seem so."

I swear I might have seen a little emotion in his eyes. His human eyes. I looked around and I could see Captain Kirk looking at us surprised.

"So you do know each other then." Kirk chimed in.
"Yes Captain we knew each other growing up." Spock said, and with that all emotion that I could see was gone.
"So you were friends."
"Yes, we were." Spock said again with no emotion, however I did have emotion. I was...... mad at him. We were more than friends. Vulcans don't lie, but humans do.
"Friends, Spock? Thats all. What ever happened to a Vulcan doesn't lie?" I was mad, and I couldn't hide it. I think when I said this you may have been able to hear the emotion in my voice, if you couldn't see it in my face.
"I am not lying, Keeva. We were friends."
"Yes you could say friends, or twins." I was his sister and he thought of me as a friend.

After I said this I looked into his eyes and saw emotion. Most people couldn't tell by looking at his face, but I could. Even if I could see emotion, I couldn't tell how he was feeling. I could see how Kirk was feeling. It was clear he was confused, so it is only logical to assume he didn't know about us being siblings.

"Twins?" Kirk said.
"Yes Captain, Keeva is my twin sister."
"Spock why didn't you say anything about having a sister?"
"You never asked. And it was not logical to bring it up.'

Kirk looked annoyed or surprised. Maybe he was confused on why Spock never mentioned me. It wasn't logical to mention me if he didn't have to. A human may be offended by this, but I wasn't. It also came to no surprise to me that he didn't talk about me. I was the family "screw up." I never learned to control my emotions, which my father didn't like, and I went to Starfleet and not a Vulcan school. So did Spock, but Spock knew how to hide his emotions well.

    We stood there in silence for five seconds then Captain Kirk attempted to break the silence.

"So, twins. You do look alike, who's the oldest?"
"I am, by four minutes." Spock said.

    Spock and I were just staring at each other. We were not using any telepathic ability, but we knew what each of us were thinking. Spock looked as if he was going to break. Seeing me was definitely a shock for him. Being Vulcan twins and sharing a womb, we always were telepathically connected to each other, subconsciously sometimes. I could feel his anger with me, though I couldn't understand why.

"Angry Spock?" I didn't want to ask, but it just slipped out.
"No, why would I be?"
"Spock, you don't lie well. Unless you have to of course, and its clear you don't have too."
"Keeva, I am not angry."
"I can see it in your eyes, you are. And I can't understand why"
"Fighting is illogical."
"Yes it is, but I wish to know what I have done to make you angry, I'm the one who should be upset." He shook his head and didn't say anything else to me, he turned to the Captain.
"Captain I believe Keeva should have another escort."
"Yes, yes I see that." Kirk turned to me
"I'll take you, follow me."

I turned to Spock, we exchanged one more look, then I turned and followed Captain Kirk. Again we walked in silence for awhile, but I knew he would ask something about what had just happened.

"So, may I ask what happened back there?" I knew it.
"It's just been awhile since we have seen each other, or talked to one another."
"You mentioned something about anger?"
"Yes." I didn't know how much to tell him, or what Spock had told him. "There were certain things in the past that caused me my angry now, I don't know why Spock is angry though."
"I met your parents once, they never mentioned anything about you."
"No, I wouldn't expect them too. You see Spock and I were close as children, very close. It had been hard, neither of us belonged, all we had was each other. Our mother didn't understand the Vulcan side, and our father didn't understand the human side. Neither of us were close with our parents. Then....something happened, I had no communication with any of them. I had been....." I think Captain Kirk could see I was getting uneasy and uncomfortable.
"You don't have to tell me private things."
"Thank you sir."
"I just want to make sure you and Spock would be able to work together."
"Yes we will be able to, we will not let are emotions get in the way."
"I'm sure, but maybe you should."
"Well not while your working, but maybe you should try to work whatever this out, I don't know what happened between you guys, but you're family."
"That would be logical."

After I said that the Captain gave me a smile, I'm assuming Spock says logical or illogical all the time. This Captain though, I like him. I don't know what I feel about him, but I like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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