Chapter Thirty-Three

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~*~*~ Hey guys. I want to say that I am really sorry that this has taken so long to finish. I had major writers block for this story, and I worked my way through it a little at a time. I know this isn't very long, but I hope that it makes my loyal readers of this story happy. - love Mich2992


Brent and Jade stayed in the hospital for the full three days before they made their trek home with little Stella. The worst night was that first night at home. Both Brent and Jade were beyond tired and little Stella was still adjusting to her new world out of the womb.

That first week was a learning experience for both of the new parents. Jade learned how to take care of her healing body while also taking care of the tiny defenseless baby, while Brent became Jade's rock and did everything he could to keep things as comfortable and easy as possible.

Nova also stayed on Jade or Brent's heels, it just depended on who was holding the baby at the time. The greyhound was very doting to the tiny baby, which surprised both Brent and Jade.

It wasn't until the weekend when Brent's parents came over to visit and see the baby. Patricia helped take care of the house, letting Jade concentrate on taking care of Stella. Jade was really thankful that Pat had come to help them out, it removed a lot of stress that was looming over her head.

Having a newborn was a lot of work, but Jade quickly learned that napping in between feedings was a must, allowing little Stella to sleep on her chest, where she was most comfortable.


Four months quickly passed, and Brent had gone back on tour. Jade smiled as she stared down at Stella while she had her daily tummy time in the living room. She was such a happy little baby.

Nova was never far, just off to the side of the blanket that Stella laid on, watching as the infant wiggled and stared at herself in a little mirror. Love swelled in her heart as she heard Stella babble to herself.

The little girl was always doing something new. It made Jade feel like she was constantly taking pictures or videos of her baby girl. But she never complained about it. "Such a cute little girl. Always so happy... unless it's ten at night and momma needs her sleep."

Hearing her cell go off, Jade turned and grabbed it, pausing the show that she was watching on tv. "Oh! It's your dad Stella bear." She smiled as she read the message.

Hey honey, just checking on you and Stella. I wish I was there with you.

"Daddy misses you baby girl," Jade cooed. "He'll be home in another month though. At least that's what your daddy told me last."

We miss you too, babe. Stella is currently laying on the floor, having some tummy time. How is the tour?

The tour's good. Miss you and my little girl though. I've been working on a new song.

Oh really? Any hints for me?

You would have to open a negotiation.

Even me?

Even you.

That's not fair.

It is fair! I'm always up for a distraction after all. Especially while our little girl is asleep.

Distraction huh? Is that all I am?

You are far more than that and you know it.

Then why don't you just text me outright what it would get for you to share some of your new music then, hm?

Kiss and Tell (A Shinedown Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя