Chapter 2

8 2 2

Painballing time ig. Painball isn't so bad unless you're really skill issued or there are toxic tryhards in the server you joined. I couldn't speedrun grinding this because my friends weren't online, so I had to do it the painfully slow way, hence the name "painball".

I went for a public server (Obviously I couldn't do private). I joined in the middle of a game, that was good because it would finish faster and I would have 1 game down already. I was on blue team, they already had 2 points, red team only had 1. So I went straight for red base with nothing but a pistol, dodging bullets like I was in matrix (I am totally not very skill issued in painball), grabbing the red flag and RUNNING FOR MY LIFE. I reached back to blue base, thanks for my teammates actually being good cover for once, and threw the flag down. Blue scored a point and "Game over!" appeared on my screen. Then the "Activity complete" section came into view, I chose the 10 tokens as a prize (Pathetic, I know). 

Also for the first game of the day prize I got 100 tokens so that's not too bad.

The next few games my teammates were good cover, I got the flags and soon enough, I had completed 5 games. Things were going well.

Then, a tryhard bitch joined and ruined everything. He kept hitting me and my team out, stealing the flag as well. I didn't care though, as long as we finished the game faster. My team wanted to strike back, they took the flag twice, wasting a bunch of time. Now both teams were at 2-2, I didn't want to go AFK in fear of getting kicked back to my dorm room again. Then the tryharder tried to steal the flag but got shot out by my teammates. 

It was like this for so long that the painball game actually ended before either side could win. That was a big waste of time, especially when you're grinding. I ended up joining another server which glitched out and caused the next 5 games that I did to not count. I started raging, silently cursing, the past 30 minutes I spent on nothing.

Fuck Rec Room man.

So I sucked it up and continued the grinding. It went well, my team was losing but whatever, the games finished fast. Until 20 minutes later, I finished the 10 painball games, and all I had left is Crimson Cauldron to go.

I switched off my laptop and started to arrange with vex and Recthead to play on Friday night.

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