Chapter I: A rule of fear begins

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When the lights flickered out for the final time, everyone knew what would happen next. Dan did, Grace did, Trey did, everyone did.

Moire was far from merciful to Trey.

The lights finally flickered on, and there they were, laying dead on the coffee table, arm outstretched to the side while they bleed from their chest, staining their lavender hair.

Not only did Trey seem to go through that, before their final moments it seemed like they were beaten (evidenced by their bloody nose) and choked (proven by bruises around their neck (how the hell does Trey bruise that fast?)).

Dan wanted to vomit, but he kept it down.

Grace was just disgusted that it came to that, maybe they should've lied and said they were the Psychic instead of the Dark Psychic, Trey would've lived.

Reza was was in a deep sadness, losing several friends who he was close to hurt so much.

Charlotte was equally disgusted as Grace, although she knew that there was no time for thinking of the morality or ethics behind the game.

Moire was probably the only one not thinking, due to her need to continue living instead of thinking about the murders she committed, she merely thought of the fact she needed to go through with them.

"They didn't- Why-" Dan was crying, as was expected from him, he was a sensitive soul.

"We wouldn't of won otherwise, Dan." Charlotte explained, "It was necessary if we wanted to live."

"Couldn't we have just voted them out?" Sobbing, Dan argued for a more passive option.

"It would've ended the same, Dan." Moire monotoned, "Quit being a crybaby."

Dan whined, but attempted to contain himself.

"So, what will we do now?" Grace spat, "We're criminals now, it's not like we'll be accepted back into society again."

"We make them fear us." Moire says, "If they won't accept us, then we'll force them to. Can't be hard right?"

And it was those words that started the rule of fear.

It was those words that spelled doom.

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