A Grand Entrance

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The sun is shining gloriously as Jo and Alaric proceed with their nuptials. Everyone is dressed in their finest and sunniest attire. Jo looks beautiful and already has that maternal glow, her baby bump in its absolute earliest stages. Alaric is smiling like he's the luckiest son of a bitch alive. Liv and Elena stand behind Jo in their lilac bridesmaids dresses, both beginning to shed tears as they watch the ceremony proceed. Jeremy and Damon stand behind Alaric in their grey suits and lilac ties, both proud. In fact everyone is beaming at the wedding, considering most of them never thought they'd have a chance to see anyone wed in this town that was so constantly full of dread. But today was a joyous day as it was spring, the flowers had all freshly bloomed and everyone not only felt happy but hopeful for the future. The priest proceeded to speak and said, "Speak now or forever hold your peace." Damon opened his mouth only for Elena to shoot him a glance that screamed "Don't you dare!" He smirked deviously and Bonnie laughed from the crowd as she watched the whole interaction. Bonnie looked especially beautiful today in a yellow lace maxi dress that skimmed the ground she stepped on despite her heels. Her hair curled to perfection in huge ringlets with flower petals cascaded everywhere. Damon wiggled his eyebrows at her and smirked once again. As the priest cleared his throat, an outrageous laugh echoed through the barn. All heads turned sharply to find the object of such mischievous noise and there the devil stood in a black tuxedo and skinny tie, looking sharp as ever.

"I object." Kai stated with a hunger in his voice, a hunger Damon and Bonnie knew all to well, but his eyes were barren and desolate. Damon and Bonnie's heads snapped towards each other as they simultaneously mentally muttered, "oh shit." Everyone else held their breath as most did not know who Kai or this handsome manic stranger was.

"To be honest Josette, I think you could do better than this. I mean I know he knocked you up but that doesn't mean you marry the guy. And I'm sorry, clearly I'm dressed wrong I figured that this would be a black tie event. But I wouldn't exactly know considering I never received an invitation. But I'm sure it just got lost in the mail, right Josette?"

"What do you want Kai?" Jo said her voice strained. Bonnie and Damon silently began to formulate a plan and nodded in conclusion. Bonnie whispered to the people around her telling them that on her mark to get the hell out the barn. She can sense a quick panic begin to rise but Bonnie assures them that now is not the time for panic. She turns to her best friend, Matt who is just as confused as the rest of the innocent  crowd.

"Matt I need you too make sure that everyone arrives safely outside to their cars. Text Tyler and tell him to do the same for his side."

"Bon what's happening?" Bonnie offers him a small smile as she always does with Matt.

" Something is going to happen and I'm going to need you too make sure these people are safe."

"And what are you going to do?" Bonnie grabbed Matt's hand and squeezed it a little.

"I'm going to do what I should have done in the first place." Her voice full of determination and Matt nodded in comprehension. Damon sidestepped Jeremy and whispered into Ric's ear, "On my mark you and Jo make a run for it. Get to the car and don't look back."


"Don't ask, just listen. Jeremy I want you to secure the crowd along with Tyler and Matt." Jeremy nodded and Ric realized he had no choice but to agree.

"One more thing Ric, take Elena with you." Ric nodded, Damon couldn't risk a newly human Elena to her death. He would die before he'd ever let her get turned into a vampire again.

"What are you gonna do?" Alaric asked.

"What I should have done the first time he laid his filthy hands on Bonnie." Damon stated as he relived the memory of Kai siphoning Bonnie's magic and how he had no choice but to watch as she doubled over crippled by the pain Kai inflicted on her.

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