You Are My Creator

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"Well I did promise you a feast, so here it is. Eat." Kai demanded his bloodlust hungry new friends and they pounced on the crowd and called them dinner. Damon, Liv, Caroline, Enzo and Stefan went into attack mode as they went to kill the wedding crashers. Bonnie didn't move as she knew her duty stood right before her.

"Oh Bonster, you don't know how long I've waited for this." Kai said stepping closer as she he eyed his leather shoes and turned up to smile at her. As mayhem continued to ensue around them.

"Are we going to talk all day or are we going to fight." She growled as she hit him with her first spell and he crouched over in pain. With immense strength and will power he forced himself to standing position and grinned, he had been training. "Is that all you got?" With a slight lift of his hand, Bonnie was being strangled. "Does that feeling bring back any memories? I'm sure it does. I'm actually quite fond of those memories. Your neck just so happens to be the perfect circumference." Kai laughed as he reminisced about hunting her down in 1994. Bonnie pushed her arm forward shoving Kai onto the floor. She was done suffering and being pushed around. Rage consumed her body as she thought of all the countless moments she was wronged and had suffered in her life. Her rage sent her magic into havoc as it surged through the air creating a powerful a storm of wind, fire, and whatever object her magic touched. The were enclosed together by what could only be described as a ring of fire and a tornado. She lifted her finger beckoning his body towards her and his feet slid across the floor as he stopped right in front of her, he couldn't but grin she had been practicing as well.

"Yeah, why don't we go through memory lane shall we? First you shot an arrow through my chest, then you choked me, and then you drugged me." Kai fell as Bonnie sent him through a dizzy spell imitating her being drugged, leaving him unconscious. She sat on top of him and jabbed her two fingers inside the arrow wound she had created in memory of hers, awakening him in pain, "But do you know what was the worst part?" She twisted her fingers even deeper inside of him making a scream pour out of his lungs. When she had his attention she grabbed him by his chiseled jaw painting his chin with his own blood.  She forced him to look her in the eyes as her face hovered inches above his. He couldn't help but notice that she resembled an angel the way her head was engorged in light but this angel was on a mission to kill him. "The worst part was that for a split second I believed you. I pitied you. Even after everything you did. I was actually stupid enough to trust you!" Bonnie cried overrun with emotion she hated herself because in the end she was sure this was all her fault. A tear made it's way down her face as it fell onto Kai's face. The touch of liquid from her emerald eyes made him feel guilt coarse through his body. This was his doing. Bonnie closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she quickly wiped her tear away. When her eyes opened again to meet his cobalt ones there was an intense darkness within them.

"And then as we both know you stabbed me and left me alone. And you know more than anybody what that feels like." As she punched his chest and another gash appeared in the same place he had stabbed her, he yelped in pain. Now she placed her fingers in both wounds and pressed as far as she could and smiled viciously as his body writhed underneath hers. This was not the same Bonnie from 1994, this was the new Bonnie and the maniacally twisted part of Kai reveled in the fact that he helped create this Bonnie. That is until his body stopped convulsing and laid motionless. She figured he had passed out from the pain. Until he grabbed her by the throat and slammed her head onto the ground leaving him on top of her now, Bonnie attempted to fight but he had her body locked under a spell.

"Like I said before the perfect circumference." He said as he enjoyed the feel of his hand around her lovely neck.

"Do you want to know what I find funny though, that you seem to have forgotten half of that story. Who was the one that through an axe at my chest, first?" He asked as he laid his hand in the middle of her chest leaving a gash that started oozing blood. "And then after I did you the curtesy of patching up your wound, you had the audacity to stab me in the neck." Soon blood started to ooze out of her neck  through his fingers and onto the hardwood floors but he made sure it wouldn't kill her, he didn't want her dead just yet. Now the storm encircling them had grown stronger as his magic culminated with hers.

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