86 0 0

Author : redpangur
Chapters : 11
Wordcount : 43,978

Canon complaint au

Summary :

When Jungkook was a lot younger, and didn't know how to wall himself off, or that his body was this inexplicable thing liable to betray him, Hoseok used to joke that Jungkook had a huge crush on Taehyung. He teased Jungkook for his crestfallen looks when Taehyung chose another team, when he wouldn't come watch Jungkook play video games, when he got the chance to leave practice early and actually did. "Give the poor kid a break," Yoongi broke in at one point. "He won't always get one." Jungkook is older now, much more experienced at self-censorship. Sometimes he even just exists for long stretches of time, doesn't consciously acknowledge how he's always, always trying not to think too much about it. And then there are times like today in the recording booth, when he's weak beneath it again.

Comments :

While it started of being angsty, didn't last for long

The angst was light too

A good one

Contains explicit sexual content

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