Chad goes to the rescue

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Aizen takes his phone, quickly typing in the boy's number.

Chad: Halo?

Aizen: Good Evening, I have something to tell you Sado.

Chad: huh? What is it?

Aizen: Ichigo stopped taking his meds again...


Aizen: Unfortunately

Chad: He started talking about defeating Aizen in this whole Soul Society and Hueco Mundo thing...that Urahara helped him and his father learned him how to use Getsuga Tenshou or something like that...But I didn't...

Aizen: Listen my boy, It must be hard for you dealing with him and Orihime but please, don't loose your spark of hope

Chad: I won't Dr.Aizen, but I think I should take them to another psychiatrists, It's not like you are bad or anything! You were actually so close to succes but...I'm tired, I need to find someone who lives closer to Karakura

Aizen: sigh It's understandable...I'll send you some names of good psychiatrist in your neighbourhood.

Chad: Thank you, Dr. Aizen. I appreciate your help and understanding.

Aizen: Of course, Sado. I just want what's best for Ichigo and his friends. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to reach out.

Chad: I will. Thank you again.

Aizen: You're welcome. Take care.

Chad hangs up the phone, feeling a mix of frustration and exhaustion. Dealing with Ichigo's and Orihime's delusions  was taking a toll on him, but he couldn't give up on his friends. He knew he had to find a way to help them, even if it meant seeking help from someone else. He looked at the list of psychiatrists that Aizen had sent him and started making some phone calls.

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⏰ Última actualización: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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