Body oil or body lotion?

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Adam's POV

Harmonie comes into my home.

"How have you been, Adam?"

"Honestly, I've been fucking pillows, wishing they were you."

Her eyes are as big as rocks as she looks at me.

Harmonie's POV

I've been doing the same, Adam.

I will not tell him that, though!

"Welp, the main reason I'm here is to talk about what I told you."

"About getting your inheritance?"

"Yes. And if you want we can have it annulled soon after. But to be honest, all I want is you, the girls, and Timothy.

You guys are all I need now."

"On one condition, Adam."


"You teach me and my girls to ride horses."

"I can train them. As for you, you can ride me as practice." The room falls silent.

Adam's POV

Both of us burst into laughter, but stop when our eyes connect. I tease Harmonie by sending her a flirty text.
Her face is priceless even she sees it. She quickly types a reply.

My Harmonie: You wanna go there, bet Mr. Bryant.

Me: Now so that thong off and hand it to me.

Harmonie: How do you know I'm wearing one?"

Me: You just told me.😘 be a good girl and do as I say.

My Harmonie: Fine. Find us a table.

Me: my parents are already here. Is it okay with you if we sit with them?

My Harmonie: it's fine. Now leave me alone.

Harmonie comes out of the restroom. As she approaches the table, my parents look up.

"Is this Harmonie? My, you are indeed beautiful."

"Thank you." She slips something in my hand as she sits.

The waitress comes to our table. My mom starts conversations by telling stories of me when I was younger. I don't mind.

Harmonie doesn't either. All of us get laughs out of the stories. I place my hand on Harmonie's thigh. She's startled, but none notices.

I walk my fingers up and into the middle of her thighs, spreading them slightly.

"What have you been up to, besides hanging out with our baby boy."

"I'm an criminal attorney."

"That's amazing! How many years of school did it take?"

"Considering my great gpa, it took three years. I did take the advanced classes at the community college, so I could move into my field of choice right away."

"How have you been son? By the way I'm glad you two found each other again."

"I'm cooling, but Little Harmonie is hot."

Harmonie's mouth drops open, so I lean in to whisper "close it before I take you outside and give it something to be open for."

She squirms around."

"Let's cut the cap, Adam. You aren't married to her and you won't be getting your allowance."

"Why can't we be married?" Harmonie stands up.

"No one wants Adam. Never did and I'm sorry he brought you into this. You're a sweetie."

"Nah. Adam's Who I'll forever and always want, mama! Your son adores my kids and his own. And don't even get me started on the sex."

I'm hard as a rock right now. All I want to do is be deep inside my wifey.

"Are you serious?" My mom asks.

I stand to put my mom in her place. I know firsthand Harmonie is not the one or two.

My dad's still sitting down gulping down his food. I shake my head.

"Look you guys, I love this woman. I'm so happy that we crossed paths again..."

I get on one knee in front of Harmonie, holding the ring. "Will you marry me? For real, this time?"

My heart is filled with relief, happiness, and joy when I hear the words "Yes. I will marry you."

My dad jumps outta his seat, splashing food all over my mom. Harmonie laughs. I do too.

"I can't take yo ass nowhere! Come on!"

"I'm proud of you. I'll have the money in your account tomorrow. I love you son. Nice meeting you daughter-in-law!" My dad leaves.

"Daddy! Airplane!" Essence says. I pick her up and fly her around in the air.

I text Harmonie while I'm playing with Essence.

Me: get ready for me. I'm cooking hard and slow.

Wifey: bring both the body oil and body lotion.

Me: I love you.

Harmonie and I get all the girls washed and into bed. Timothy's staring at a friend's house tonight.
Harmonie and I fuck and make love the rest of the night.


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