Another thing

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Adam's POV

I own all of this land. I want to put a lot of new things into effect for my family and anyone else, but these taxes are about to hit hard, but I don't mind.

Out the corner of my right eye, I see Harmonie crawling to the bathroom.

"Stop looking at me! You did this!" She yelled before closing the door.

"I'd do it again!" Is all I shout. Bear runs up to me. I take him out for a late run. He loves those.

We come back to all the lights on. The kids must be up.

Bear runs straight to Essence. He knocks her over, but she doesn't cry.

I plan to start college funds for the kids.

"Dad, mom's not coming down. Could you please bring her to us?" Essence says.

I smile before heading to our room. Harmonie is curled up in a ball sleeping. Has she even left the room besides going to the bathroom?

"Harmonie, wake up." Her eyes flutter open. She smiles while placing her hand in my cheek.

"Can you carry me?"

"Okay. I'll get your robe." It's taking everything in me not to give her some more sex as I pull the robe over her beautiful body.

She farts as I lift her in my arms. Both of us smile, I fart as well. "I plan to open bank accounts for the kids tomorrow. What do you think?"

"That'd be nice. Help them learn how to save and spend money early." I lean down and kiss her lips.

"Eww!" All the girls shout. Timothy is studying. I check on him As Harmonie Move around the kitchen like a newborn dear.

Harmonie's POV

"Are you alright momma?"

I'm laying on the floor as the girl look at me.


"What happened?" Symphony asks.

"My sweet sister!" Timothy takes all the girls away from around me. Adam stands above me, just looking.

"You gonna help?"

"I love you so much." He's squatting and looking at me now.

"Adam!" He's laughing as he lifts me in his arms.

"My dear wife. If you wanted to start your own company what would it be?"

"I don't really know." I hang on tightly to him as he's carrying me.

"Okay. I'll bring you some food soon. Exercise them legs Bambi." Both of us smile. I throw a pillow at him before he leaves the room.

"That's the same pillow I'm giving you." He winks and leaves me.


There's going to be a surprise next chapter!

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