Natsuki x Yuri

207 1 5

TW// mention of self-harm

Just another day in the literature club. Natsuki's daily scream rang through the room. "YOU CUNT! YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, EH?!" Monika stifled a laugh

"well, manga doesn't constitute as literature, so you should work harder to get to it."

Before Natsuki could  attempt to kill Monika, Yuri stood up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Now Natsuki, there's no need for misconduct. I'm more than happy to help get it down for you." The short girl turned to Yuri, scowling. "I don't need your fucking help. you have nothing to do with this."

Yuri simply shrugged and sat back in  her desk. This behavior from Natsuki wasn't uncommon. "well, Nat, if you need me, let me know."  The hostility only seemed to increase. "No one needs your ass. what are you even here for, huh? you're only personality trait is being a bitch with tits. You're of no use whatsoever."

Monika had gone silent at this point, eyes wide. she was desperately trying to find a way to resolve this conflict. She couldn't help but  feel she caused this. Yuri grit her teeth, fighting the anger she was feeling. Her voice came out level and calm.

"I understand that you're upset. However, that is no reason to take it out on me. I've done nothing but try to help you."




"Whatever, cutter."

Natsuki realized what she'd done too late. "Oh shit. Yur-" Yuri lost her shit. She stood abruptly, her chair clattering to the floor. "You know what. You're just like your fath-" Sayori got between the two girls, looking very worried.

"hey, girls. let's take a moment to breathe, okay?" she rubbed their backs gently, the taller girl fighting tears while Natsuki stared at the floor vacantly. Sayori addressed Natsuki first, now holding both her hands.

"Nat, as Yuri was saying before, it's okay to be upset. But  you shouldn't be so mean to someone who has gone out of their way to help you time and time again. I'm sure when you do this, this makes Yuri feel unappreciated and makes her sad. especially when you go as far as you did. I'm sure you  understand that self-harm isn't something you shame  others for."

The short girl nods, unable to meet anyone's eyes at the moment. She felt ashamed. Sayori hugged her, before turning to Yuri.  She holds Yuri's hands.

"sunshine, I know that this conflict and the way it was going put a lot of pressure on you, especially when you had done nothing wrong. whenever conflict gets to the point you have to fight to stay calm, I think you should let the person know that you need to back away before someone says something really mean. Of course, that's your decision to make, however I think it'd be beneficial for you."

Yuri nods, crying and a little shaky. Sayori hugs her, as she had hugged Nat. "now, I'll back off. please don't start fighting again, you two."

Natsuki just left the club room without another word.


The next day, Nat had been aggressively avoiding Yuri in the hallways until lunch.  Still, she sat on their staircase. In her bag, she had red velvet apology cupcakes. She anxiously sipped on her strawberry milk.

soon enough, she heard the quick, elegant steps of Yuri. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. The violet-haired girl took her seat on the staircase, though she said nothing. Yuri had an apology manga in her bag. A special edition of Parfait Girls. however, her crippling social anxiety didn't allow her to speak first, especially not after yesterday.

Nat sucked in another breath, before getting the case of 6 cupcakes from her bag. "I'm sorry, Yuri." her voice was unnaturally soft. she genuinely looked remorseful, unable to maintain eye contact at the moment. Yuri was silent for a moment, before reaching for the manga in her bag.

"I...I'm sorry too."

Silence filled the stairwell as they exchanged apology presents. of course, Natsuki wouldn't stay quiet for long. "well,  eat one bitch." Yuri laughed a bit, taking a cupcake from the case and biting into it. The frosting ended up on the side of her face, though she never noticed.

Natsuki noticed though. She stared for a bit, unsure how to tell the now cheerful girl she's got frosting on her face. Nat just gives up on telling her directly. She wipes it with her thumb, Yuri getting flustered at the sudden touch. Natsuki licked the frosting off her thumb, raising an eyebrow at Yuri.

"what? would you have rather me lick it off you directly?" Yuri's face flushed, and she looked away at the question. Natsuki began to grin deviously. "Yuri? I asked a question." The tension in the air was thick now. It wasn't awkward, no, not at all. situations like this weren't uncommon for the two.

they often ended up flirting. neither girl ever acted on it. Except today, Natsuki was feeling confient. "you know, Yuri, I think I wanna taste of the cupcakes I made. just to see if they're good enough." She moved to straddle the taller girl's lap, pressing her lips to hers. Yuri returned the kiss eagerly, her arms wrapped around her waist. Nat tangled her fingers in the shy girl's hair, tilting her head back as her lips moved down to her neck.

before this could escalate, the bell rang and reminded them of where they were. Nat looked annoyed, but looked at Yuri with a smile and kissed her cheek. "I'm walking home with you today. hope your ready for a guest." Yuri nodded, cheeks red and a shy smile on her face. Yuri continued to walk with the short girl to her next class.

A/n: part 2?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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