chapter 46- going to America

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Right now..?
We were on the plane to America. And for some reason I've been having bad headaches a lot of the time.

I think it's probably got to do with some of the food on this plane. Leo was sitting right beside me with Jake and Charlie in front of us.

"Hi guys!" I jumped and screamed to charl and Jake.

"Hey" they said plainly.

"Aw why so sad faces?"

"Because your here" Jake said.

"You might be 2 months older than me but I can still beat you at a wrestling match so stfu"


"Where's your boyfriend kes?" Charlie said pinching my cheek. I swear he treats me like I'm his little sister its adorable.

"He went to go pee"

"Oh Kay" he said scrolling on Instagram and putting his beats headphones on.

"Hey baby" a weird looking man came. I mean no offense to weird looking men but in this situation, he looks like a rapist/pedophile.

"ERM excuse me but I'm worried about how close your getting to my girlfriend" Leo said coming out of nowhere.

"I was wondering if she would like to fuck some time so squirm off young man" *minion voice* PEDO PEDO PEDO PEDO

"I'm her BOYFRIEND and I already have fucked her so back off old man" he said giving him a death glare.

Jake stood up after hearing that conversation and punched the creepy guy in the head which lead to me standing in between them all from fighting on the damn plane.

So then I got the man to walk away to his seat away from us and Leo came started to tease me. Yes in that way. *you dirty minded freak's*

And he kept whispering sweet :P things in my ear and rubbing his hands on my waist.

Then I realized what he said to the man earlier.

"I've already fuxked her"


"Yes baby"

"Why did you let the whole plan now that you 'fuxked me'?"

"When did I say that?.... OH WAIT YEAH sorry I didn't mean too but now everyone knows you probably might be pregnant right now"

Everyone turned to look at us BY US I MEAN MOSTLY ME.

Charlie and Jake looked at us like 'WTF just happened?!' And everyone was like 'Dayum just use a damn condom ffs'

I covered my face and Leo smiled cheekily saying "FALSE ARM NO PREGNANT WOMAN NEXT TO ME"

But then told the boys we didn't use a 'penis protector'

"You guys are messed up." Jake said looking at us with disgust.

"You did he dirty"

"Mingle dingle"

"Frickle frackle"


And after that I rested my head on Leos lap and fell into deep sleep. Leo stroked my hair making patterns on my neck and said how he loves me.

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