ukulele 🪕

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"He's so aggravating!"

Kiara nodded along to every sentence spewed from the girls mouth. Not really paying attention but still listening in a way.

She didn't picture her Saturday evening as listening to yet another rant from her best friend Sarah Cameron about her boyfriend.

Terrible boyfriend may she add.

Sarah got up from her spot on the floor, opting to sit next to her friend on the bed, scooting back till her back hit the wall, she pulled her knees into her chest, resting her arms around them.

"It's like he only loves the idea of being seen with me." Sarah continued, "I'm sick of him!"

Kiara hummed, "Did you ever consider...I don't know, breaking up?"

Sarah's head whipped around to face the girl seated almost 2 feet away, shock written all over her face.

"I thought you were happy about Topper and I, Kie..." She frowned

Kiara rolled her eyes, fingers coming to a stop at the mindless strumming of the instrument that sat on her lap.

"I said I was happy for you before complaining and ranting about him to me became your new normal, Sarah." Kiara explained, "I don't like seeing you get hurt."

Sarah nodded, tilting her head back to rest on the wall, closing her eyes

The sound of the instrument starting again became her new source of attention, opening her eyes, she looked at the ukulele, now averting them to Kiara, who was putting her full concentration in learning a song.

Sarah smiled softly at the girls expression, tongue poked against the inside of her cheek as she tried strumming the correct chord, the way her eyebrows were scrunched together in concentration, and how her hair fell in her face in small strands.

Sarah always wanted to learn how to play an instrument, it didn't really matter which one, but she was never committed or had enough concentration to really do it. Learning keys and chords were too boring and ultimately it led to her giving up. 

"You don't have to stare at me, you know?" A voice brought Sarah out of her thoughts

Sitting up a bit and blinking her eyes a few times, "What?"

Kiara's fingers came to a stop again, looking up and letting out a small giggle at the girl's embarrassed state, "You were staring, silly goose." She laughed, "Can I help you with something? Or is it Topper again."

Sarah rolled her eyes at the remark, opting to give her a middle finger instead before speaking, "Teach me."

Kiara raised an eyebrow, confused, "Teach you?"

The blonde pointed at the instrument in her grasp, giving a discreet smirk, picking herself up and off the spot she sat on and moving so she was closer to Kiara, shoulders touching.

Kiara threw her a questioning glance, confused why the girl had a sudden interest in learning the ukulele.

"I thought you hated my ukulele." Kiara scoffed, "remember when you refused to let me in your car the other day when we were going to the beach cause I wanted to bring it along?"

Sarah rolled her eyes, a playful smile on her lips, "Well things change and so do people!" She defended herself.

"Pleaseeee Kie, teach me." She pleaded, putting her hands together in a prayer motion and giving the brunette 'puppy eyes'.

Kiara pushed the girls face away, a laugh leaving her mouth, "Don't look at me like that!"

"It worked! Didn't it?" Sarah teased

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