beach 🌊

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Kiara smiled to herself at the feeling of the waves coming into shore, submerging her toes underwater before retreating back into the ocean again, just for the process to repeat over, and over. The day was sunny and warm, the perfect beach weather for anyone. 

Rain or shine, Kiara always found herself happy to go to the beach, the presence of the water and sand always bringing her a feeling of serenity, and both in the same place? She might as well have considered the place paradise on earth...which is what the Outer Banks was after all.

Looking up, she laughed at the sight of her girlfriend failing to catch yet another wave. She watched the blonde push her hair out of her face, determined as ever to prove to Kiara that she was just as good at surfing as the brunette was, in the span of the past half an hour, she was yet to prove that statement. 

Kiara would describe their relationship as everything she'd ever wanted. She never felt the same way with anyone else she had dated before, guy or girl. No one connected with her as well as the blonde girl did, maybe it was her sleek back soft golden hair, or maybe her voice that resembled that of an angels, or even the way she would go on rants upon rants about whatever interested her in that day...Kiara never felt more at home in a person, she considered Sarah that feeling of home. 

She was so immersed in her thoughts, she didn't notice the girl in the water looking up to Kiara, giggling at the zoned out and faraway look the brunettes face sported. Sarah swims closer and splashes water onto Kiara, successfully breaking her from her daze. 

"Get in, the water's warm." Sarah says with a small laugh, turning to swim back in the ocean, not waiting to see if Kiara was following her. Sarah was aware of all the moments her and Kiara shared, but everything they did together always felt like it was the first time, her days always felt better when she was in Kiara's presence. 

Kiara doesn't waste any time in following Sarah, getting up from the sand and walking into the water, cringing at the temperature. "It's cold, you liar!" She called out to Sarah with a small laugh, nonetheless going deeper to reach the blonde. 

Sarah only responds with a laugh, now turning to see Kiara in the water, she dives under the waves and meets her halfway. Getting an idea, she sneakily wraps her arms around Kiara's waist underwater and stands up, picking Kiara up and off the ocean floor. The giggle that falls from Kiara's mouth at the action is enough to make Sarah laugh as well, placing her down in the water again gently.

"What made you jump in so quick?" Sarah asks in between laughs. She pulls Kiara in close and feels the brunette wrap her arms around her. "You're just that excited?" Sarah smiles.

"Only when it comes to you.." Kiara mused, wrapping her arms tighter around Sarah's neck, their bodies flush together. Sarah blushes at Kiara's remark, "So you wouldn't be nice to anyone else?" she teases back and pulling Kiara close, wrapping her arms around the girls back. The water is perfect, not too cold, not too hot. Just right.

Kiara has a playful smirk on her face, "Well...."

Sarah giggles a little, "What do you mean?" she leans closer for a kiss, their lips connecting over the gentle wave of the water. Kiara pulls away first, smiling slightly "That's for me to know, and for you to find out."

"Okay, so you're teasing me? Is that so?" Sarah grins, pulling back from the kiss as well and looking Kiara up and down once. "Okay, if that's the game we're playing, then it's only going to make me want you even more." She leans in again and kisses Kiara a second time, causing the brunette to smile into the kiss.

The sound of a seagull overhead caused them to break apart this time, both turning to watch it fly overhead, probably back to its home, maybe to get food...who knows? Sarah turned back to Kiara first, seeing the girl still look at the sky over head, the blonde giggled to herself, slowly placing a hand on Kiara's back and dipping her down into the water.

"What are you doing?" Kiara laughed, feeling herself get bent back into the water, "Don't you trust me?" Sarah smiled, moving a hand to rest on Kiara's chest so she could stabilize her better as she dipped Kiara far enough for her hair to submerge under the water.

Kiara laughed at the feeling of the water soak her hair, Sarah's hands steadying her as the blonde watched her with a smile on her face, taking in all the girls features as she floated in the water. Sarah's eyes wandered to Kiara's hair, she loved it. She watched as each strand of hair danced and played with the water, embracing the ocean's touch and making it look as beautiful as ever, Sarah thought she could go days just watching it. Her eyes moved down to Kiara's face, seeing her eyes closed gently as a smile spread across her face, arms wrapped tightly around Sarah's shoulders to prevent herself from falling all the way into the water. Sarah's smile widened and she couldn't help but lean down and press a soft kiss to the girls cheek.

The two of them continue to spend time in the water, not getting out till the sun completely left the horizon, making the entire sky turn dark, the only light source now being the dim light of the moon overhead.

"I'm starving." Kiara spoke up as they packed up their things sprawled all over the sand, placing them into the bag Sarah had brought. "Oh my god, same, what food places would be open now? It's kinda late..." Sarah stands up and shoulders the bag as Kiara checks one last time to make sure they didn't leave anything.

"Don't worry, I'm sure my parents are still cleaning up the restaurant, I'll finesse my mom into making us food.." Kiara smiles, taking Sarah's hand as they both start walking back to Kiara's car. Sarah giggled, intertwining their fingers as they walked across the sand to the exit of the beach, the entire beach now empty as it was a late hour into the night. 

Kiara unlocks the car and disconnected her hand with Sarah's as she gets into the driver seat, Sarah climbing into the car as well. "Music?" Kiara starts the car, turning to the blonde next to her, "Do you even have to ask?" Sarah laughs, immediately pulling out her phone and connecting it to the car bluetooth and Kiara backed it out of the beach parking, making its way to the main road. 

The two rode down the road, the only noise in the night being their voices scream and sing along to every song that played from Sarah's phone, windows rolled down as the ocean breeze messed up their hair, laughter emitting every now and then when Sarah messed up a lyric or Kiara was trying to rap a certain part of a song horribly.

Sarah smiled at the sight, seeing the brunette's hair fly all over the place as her face glowed in the moonlight...she knew she was home. 


Umm yeah idk...sorry it's been like a millennium LMAO 😜 

Word count: 1226

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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