valentine's day 💞

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Sarah let out a heavy sigh, placing the big bowl of chocolate to the side of the counter, staring down in discomfort at the horrible excuse of chocolate covered strawberries that laid in front of her.

"Maybe if you just dipped it in the chocolate instead of trying to put it with the wooden spoon, it would've come out better." Wheezie judged, sitting across the counter island, a caprisun juice bag in her grasp.

"Why don't you just focus on drinking that caprisun on the rocks, won't you?" Sarah rolled her eyes at the girl, sending her a glare.

Wheezie grumbled out a reply, something about just wanting to help, before retreating out of the room. Leaving the blonde to herself.

Groaning, Sarah set down the jar of oddly done chocolate covered strawberries, placing her elbows on the counter and head in her hands.

Kiara and her were supposed to go on a picnic today, considering it is Valentines day, and her job were the strawberries.

'That I just royally fucked up.' Sarah thought to herself, still studying the mess in front of her.

The buzzing of her phone tore her attention away from them, picking her head off her hands and averting her eyes to the device, the contact 'Kie 💞'  showed up

Letting out a groan, the blonde picked up her phone, reading the texts

(Kiara - Sarah )

Hey babe, I'm parked outside 
Ready whenever you are 😋

I'll be out in a sec!

Oh this was definitely going to be fun. Not.

Deciding it was too late now to restart, Sarah closed the jar of the strawberries, quickly grabbing the few more necessities she needed, and made her way to the front door.

Opening the door, she saw a pick up truck right outside, a familiar face already waving at her from the inside, wearing a bright smile.

Not able to stop the smile stretch upon her own face, she made her way to the Carrera's truck, opening the passenger side door, and climbing in.

"Afternoon, Ms. Cameron" Kiara greeted, "Although, I think Mrs.Carrera has a better ring to it."

Sarah rolled her eyes, a blush making its way to her cheeks, while buckling in her seatbelt.

"Just wait a few more years, babe, then I promise my answer will be yes." Sarah smiled at her, 

Kiara let out a giggle, turning her attention to putting the key in the ignition, starting the truck.

Pulling away from the Cameron's driveway, Sarah turned the knob of the car radio, music immediately blasting from the trucks speakers.

"So, where are we going?" Kiara asked, voice raised over the loud music

Sarah pondered for a moment, before ultimately deciding, "Beach? Near the lighthouse?"

Kiara sent her a questioning glance, confused why that specific beach

"That's where we had our first kiss, dumbass." Sarah deadpanned, trying to stop the smirk that played at her lips

Kiara rolled her eyes, "I knew that! Just thought you'd want to try out a new place." she grumbled.

All too soon, the pair reached the said beach, lighthouse as haunting and ghost-like as ever.

"I always hated this light house." Kiara spoke up, opening the car door and stepping out, Sarah doing the same.

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