Cold Chill (Soulmate AU)

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Soulmate au belongs to PracticallyVenus

The bell rang for the next class, Alba Frost gathered her things and made her way downstairs

She shivered all the way there, Alba didn't know why but ever since she was little she was always cold. It never became an unbearable but at the same time she couldn't go anywhere without a jacket

She wondered if she was cursed somehow like she saw in those old horror movies, but who would know a curse like this?

She carefully made her way through the crowded staircase to her class, it was her favorite the teacher had a small heart just for Alba. It didn't make her 100% warm but it helped battle the never ending cold

She entered the room and immediately sat down in her sear eager to turn on her special heater. Then got her materials out of her bag for the class

"Ok class, take out your book and turn to page 6" the teacher announced after class started, the room filled with noises of zippers opening and books coming in contact with the many tables

Class went on like normal and soon the bell rang for lunch, Alba got put her phone in her pocket and made her way to the union to order her usual

She couldn't bring her heater since it was a plug in model, she immediately put on her jacket and zipped it up. She couldn't wait to taste the warm coffee

One of the few struggles of going to a large high school is lunch, it was always so crowded and ironically never warm

Alba was half way to the Union when the weirdist thing happened, the cold stopped....

She was happily confused, almost moved to tears

"This is how it feels to be normal?" She thought

Then almost in an instant the cold came back, like a toxic friend. Calla was even more confused. What happened?

She frantically looked around but only saw passing faces, was that split second a day dream?

Alba didn't want to think and it anymore so she hastily made her way to the Union, ordered, then sat down

She ate her sandwich and sipped her drink while she scrolled through her social media, looking for inspiration for  new pieces

She glanced at the students passing by, wearing shorts, dresses, other clothing items while sat there in pants and a heavy jacket. She wasn't afraid to admit she was jelous of everyone. Not having to bundle up like it was the coldest day of the year every day was a blessing... You could wear whatever you wanted and never be cold

She knew sitting in jealousy wouldn't make her any warmer so she finished her lunch and made her way back to the classroom, still looking at a piece of art on her phone she wasn't watching where she was going, which is how all encounters happen

Right on cue Alba bumped into a student causing both of them to fall to the ground, including Alba's phone. Both students groaned in pain

Alba looked up and saw a brown pigtailed girl in a white and yellow picnic dress with matching white and yellow heels, she had one hand on her head probably where she came in contact with Alba

Alba suddenly blushed, she was pretty and considering the prior events that took place who else wouldn't be embarrassed?

Alba also noticed that once again, her coldness disappeared. In fact, in contrast she was very warm... Warmest she's ever been

The brown haired girl spoke in a soft tone, "are you ok?"

She had a concerned look on her face, with her eyes big like a sad puppy. Alba couldn't help but blush again

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