Zombie AU

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"We're almost there!" Alba yelled

She was running down the hallway hand in hand with her gf Calla, both breathing heavily

Behind them running just as fast was a zombie, not a special effects student playing a cruel prank. An actual zombie hungry for the living hunting for their food

"Does this hallway ever end???" Calla yelled, both girls have been running for who knows how long

Both girls remember earlier in the day, how everything was normal. Who would have thought a zombie apocalypse would actually happen?

Calla was in the kitchen with the other culinary students, she remembers seeing Bebe (belongs to PracticallyVenus) burst into the kitchen with a scared expression on their face, and Tanya getting them to leave. Then it happened....

Tons of zombies rush into the kitchen, scared at first Calla didn't know what to do. She then followed everyone else out of the kitchen carrying a knife just in case the worst happens

Although she was scared her first objective was to find Alba, then make their way to the front gate

"Calla!" She turned to see Alba running towards her, she noticed the clay dust on her jeans. She probably was in the middle of class just like Calla

The two met each other then embraced, Calla was so happy to see Alba and vice versa

"Are you ok?" Alba asked, she was scanning Calla for any injuries. Calla did the same, relived to not find any

"I'm fine, I just don't understand where all these zombies came from? I thought they were make up students at first but after seeing them... k-kill... other students it's obviously not fake... I'm so scared Alba...." Alba noticed Calla's violent shaking as she clung to her black sleeves

Alba grabbed Calla's hand and looked her straight in her eyes, "I know it's scary but as long as we have each other we'll be ok", Calla smiled her fear melting away

Calla took a deep breath to center herself, ready to face the apocalypse

"Should we follow the others to the gate? I saw most of them heading that way" Calla asked, she pulled out her hidden knife, she knew what she had to do to survive

"We can but first there's some supplies we can get from the ceramics closet to protect us" Alba answered firmly

Calla nodded, "and we can load up to give extras to non infected students"

The girls headed down stairs to the ceramics room, little did they know it would be a fatal mistake for one of them...

Fast forward back to the current situation, the girls were still running trying to get away from their undead chaser

"There should be a custodian closet on this hallway, I came in with some other culinary students when we had to clean up our classroom" Calla said gasping between sentences

"Got it!" Alba answered, determined she picked up the pace still holding Calla's hand

After a few more minutes of running the girls made it to the closest. The girls first sat down to catch their breaths. They didn't hear any groaning or footsteps behind them so the two assumed the chase bored the zombie or they actually managed to lose the attacker

"Can't believe we made it..." Calla gasped

After the two were rested they got up and tried to open the door, of course it was locked...

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