Healing Kiss

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Calla was in the kitchen of her dorm working on an assignment for her culinary class

Everything was normal until she heard the main door slam open, it made her jump spilling the milk she had poured into the measuring cup and dropping said cup onto the floor, it shattered on impact...

"Geez..." she muttered as she quickly cleaned up the milk, as neatly as she could

Any normal person would be scared upon hearing this sound but Calla was perfectly fine, she assumed it was Rose or one of her brainwashed minions pulling a prank

She put the milk back into the fridge and made her way to the main room, still keeping the same calm composure

"Wonder if they're more creative this time..." She thought

Calla was used to the harassment she received whether it was from her sister, her best friend Matilda, or someone who they managed to brainwash

Calla grabbed the door handle and opened it, prepared to see what prank was committed

"Leave me al-"

Calla stopped as soon as she saw the student in her dorm

It wasn't who she thought, in fact it was the opposite....

It was Alba, covered in bruises

Calla's heart dropped and she immediately ran to her fallen partner

"Alba! Oh my god w-what happened?!?"

Alba was on her knees, a painful expression on their face

Alba's nose was bleeding, her left eye discolored in a swirl of black and blue, and their clothes were torn and had dirt all over them

"Im fine... It was just a little fight" Alba muttered, she wasn't completely out of breath but the signs of exhaustion was clear

Calla frowned a bit she could tell Alba was in pain, she got off the floor and dusted her knees

"Even still let me help you, I'm working in the kitchen you can sit with me in there and rest..." Calla spoke

She knew she couldn't take Alba to the nurse's office because that's where she always went after a fight and would risk getting suspended...

"Fern is at a show so I'll try to help the best I can..."

Fern was great at taking care of injuries , she says it's cause she helped raise her little sister back at home

"That's fine" Alba answered

Alba tried to get up but was having a bit of trouble, Calla extended her hand for aid and helped her girlfriend off the floor. Alba groaned in pain all the way up.

Calla lead her patient to the kitchen and pulled out a chair for her to sit in

"You wait here I'll get some tissues and band aids for you, then I'll get you some ice for your eye" Calla said as she made her way to the dorm's bathroom

She rummaged through the medicine cabinet for a few minutes before returning with the promised supplies

She placed the bandaids, ointment, and tissues on the counter gently in front of Alba, then walked over to the freezer to get an ice pack

"I know you don't like to see me like this but I couldn't help it" Alba said as she applied the bandaids, she flinched a bit upon putting the ointment

Calla's hand was on the freezer door, she put her head down in silence

"I don't... but I know you had your reasons" Calla responded

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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