Chapter 19- Good to Be Back Haruhi

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Kyon: Something strange happened after Haruhi and I stood in the middle of the room kissing for a while. After we both backed away, Haruhi just vanished into thin air with her eyes closed! Of course, when that happened I freaked out a little until I realized that was supposed to happen. I had confessed my feelings to her, now she's going to return to normal. I'm gonna miss that Haruhi. To be honest, I missed the old Haruhi all along and I can't believe I'm just realizing that now. How could I have been so stupid to want to change Haruhi?! The most beautiful, intelligent, and most of all, unique girl I've ever met! There's no way that there could be any other abnormal girl out there just as amazing as Haruhi. Not even Miss Asahina. Sorry Miss Asahina, you have Koizumi and now Haruhi has me. Well, shortly after Haruhi's disappearance, Nagato, Miss Asahina, and Koizumi burst into the glee club room and noticed me standing in the middle of the room alone.

Mikuru Asahina: Kyon! *runs up to Kyon* We have good news for you! Miss Suzumiya has returned back to normal and it's all thanks to you! *hugs Kyon*

Itsuki Koizumi: Perhaps we should make this into a group hug? Well, I'm going in! *forms a group hug with Mikuru and Kyon*

Kyon: Okay Koizumi, get off me you're too close.

Itsuki Koizumi: *stops hugging Mikuru and Kyon* My apologizes. Would you like to see Miss Suzumiya right now?

Kyon: Wherever she is, take me there.

Mikuru Asahina: Okay then. Follow us. *walks out the door with Koizumi behind her*

Kyon: *walks toward the door and notices Nagato standing next to it* Hey Nagato, you okay?

Yuki Nagato: I am fine.

Kyon: A-Are you sure?

Yuki Nagato: Yes, I am sure.

Kyon: Then that's great I guess. We should go follow them. *follows Mikuru and Koizumi with Nagato behind him*

*the four of them arrive at the front of the SOS Brigade club room*

Kyon: The says SOS Brigade again.

Mikuru Asahina: Be very quiet. I think Miss Suzumiya is still asleep. *slowly opens the door*

*the four of them walk into the SOS Brigade club room and toward Haruhi, who is asleep on the computer desk*

Yuki Nagato: *sits in chair in the corner of the room and begins to read a book*

Kyon: Ah, Haruhi. So cute. Still gorgeous even when she's fast asleep...and with short hair.

Kyon: *kneels down next to Haruhi and kisses her forehead* I love you.

Itsuki Koizumi: I was right, wasn't I?

Kyon: *stands up and turns to Koizumi* Right about what?

Itsuki Koizumi: I always knew you had feelings for Miss Suzumiya.

Kyon: Oh, shut up.

Itsuki Koizumi: Well you know what they say, all things have a happy ending.

Kyon: No one says that.

Itsuki Koizumi: Still you should keep that in mind. *winks*

Kyon: Stop doing that. Please, it's creepy. *turns to Mikuru* Anyway, do you know when Haruhi will wake up.

Mikuru Asahina: Not for a while. Be patient, she's probably dreaming about you. *smiles and giggles*

Kyon: *glances at Haruhi and looks back at Mikuru and Koizumi* So what's gonna happen next? What about that whole spreading the love thing?

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