Silas POV

I was tired, I haven't been able to sleep very well the last week as my soul was worse then normal. Blinking a bit I realized I had fallen asleep at some point so I did my best to sit up. I absentmindedly realized that the pain of my soul was completely gone, not that I was numb to the pain, but that it was gone completely. However I didn't really care about that at the moment as I wanted more sleep, but I had to talk to the giant ass skeleton... Baster was it?

Before I could think to much on it Baster asked about my soul sickness, "I wanted to ask you, how bad is the soul sickness usually? How much pain do you go through?" I hummed at the question, contemplating it... "It normally always hurts. At the very least there is a dull throb but sometimes it gets alot worse... Virus somehow sooths some of the pain though... Uh, Baster was it?"

I couldn't really remember his name, though I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to remember it... "Gaster, and how is it now?" I stare at the skeleton for a moment, Gaster is his name. "Gaster... Hm, weird name." Weird as fuck... Who names their kid Gaster? Wait, didn't he ask a question? Right, my soul... "As for my soul... For the first time since I became aware of it there isn't any pain at all, which is really weird..."
My soul is always in pain, why isn't it now?

Oh, giant skeleton dude is talking, "I see, that is unusual... I'd like to do a small experiment, nothing dangerous or insane. Would you mind me trying?" I stared at him, an experiment? I had a feeling I should say no, but he hasn't been mean and Virus isn't trying to kill him so... "Sure I guess ....?" Wonder what it is?

Then, Gaster vanished. Wait, not vanish, teleport. He teleported away, I wonder why? As I was wondering why he teleported away I felt the dull throb come back and let out a whine, curling up next to Virus who started rubbing my back. Why was the pain back? Why couldn't it just leave me alone

Skeleton man came back around 10 or so minutes later I think? I wasn't really paying attention untill I noticed there wasn't any pain again... "The pains gone again...." I was so confused but also to tired to deal with this. "I see... Well then, that wasn't what I was expecting at all...." Gaster looked as if he was thinking about something but I was confused and stared blankly at him, blinking sleepily. "Well then, that answers that." Tall ass skeleton, we can not read your mind.

I looked over to Vi hoping they knew what was going on but they just shrugged at me though they looked a little worried? "So," I looked back to Gaster, "Would you like a drink Silas? Coffee perhaps?" Coffee...? No I want sleep... But... "I want sleep... Coffee would wake me up though..." I'm pretty sure I don't like coffee though.... "If you want you can sleep here for the night se..." I didn't really listen to wherever else Gaster was saying and laid down on Virus, falling back asleep almost instantly.

I quietly groan as I slowly open my eyes to see where I was only to pause, I didn't recognize this place. I say up and looked around before remembering that I came looking for Virus and ended up falling asleep on them after Gaster left to grab something... Though I couldn't really remember what. Before I could really remember said skeleton ended up walking out of what I'm assuming is an office.

Getting a better look at him he seemed shock I was still here, can't really blame him though. I'm surprised I'm still here and didn't immediately teleport home...  "That's interesting, I'm surprised you're still here. Though that said you did sleep nearly 30 hours." 30 hours? Damn, I must have been exhausted... "I haven't slept much this week so my body probably caught up on the missed sleep." Though running on about 2 hours of sleep would explain it. Stupid soul not letting me sleep...

"I see, well the medication should relieve most of the pain and help your soul heal. As would staying here for the time being though I'll assume staying in a mobsters manor isn't your cup of tea." Staying here? Hell no, I'd rather die! "Yeah no, I'm going home." I had to get my apartment ready for my niece anyways since I'm gonna be her legal guardian from now on...

"I see, well then the dosage of the medicine is twice a day, one in the morning and one before bed. When you run out come back for more." Ha, ya right. No way am I taking the medication from you, bastard. Completely ignoring the medicine I ask where Virus is, cause I'm not about to expose me using magic to this guy. "They are doing as a maid does and cleaning up a bit. Nothing to major at the moment though, I don't want their injuries to reopen."

I looked up sharply, they were hurt? "Their injured? Where are they." Why the hell didn't they tell me they were injured? Idiot!
As soon as Gaster gave me the directions I was gone. As soon as I found them I forced them to sit down despite any protests and checked over their injuries. I couldn't heal them cause Gaster would then know I had magic, but I did make them stop hurting all together at the very least.

"You know love, you didn't have to do this" I have Virus a look. "You got injured and didn't bother telling me, you will shut up and let me fuss over you unless you want me ignoring you." Virus gave a pout but I didn't care, I checked them over for at least another 5 minutes before I was happy. Once I was finished Virus gave me a lift home before heading back, leaving me alone in my now lonely apartment...

Here is chapter 4~

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