Silas POV

I let out a sigh once Virus left, leaving me alone in my apartment. I mean, I can't blame them since they probably have work to do, but that didn't mean I had to like it. I looked around my apartment, ignoring the pain in my soul, and felt myself sigh yet again. I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment, and pretty soon, I was going to have custody of my niece, whom I had never met because my sister, Lillian, disappeared.

My home wasn't very child friendly, and I didn't even know their age... I groan as I realize I have to basically baby proof my entire apartment. I'll also need to start looking for cheap two bedroom apartments as well, since we'll both need our own rooms... Well then, I guess I should get to work, I only have a week to get it ready for children after all....

One Week Later

I was nervous. My niece was supposed to be dropped off sometime today. I looked at the time, 7:30 in the morning. I took a deep breath to calm myself before taking the pills that Virus dropped off the day after they dropped me off, demanding I take it. I knew it was likely from Gaster but, Vi looked so desperate and determined... So I agreed.

I turned back to the clock, 7:32 in the morning. This was no doubt gonna be a long day today. Knowing I needed to kill some time, I double-checked everything was child proof, put my medication away, and made sure the house was clean. Then I made sure my house was packed with food, which it was, and that nothing was out of place.

Everything was fine. Nothing was out of place, and my apartment was completely child safe. I had nothing to worry about, I had a decent bit of money saved up to buy anything my niece would need like clothes, bed, or even some toys. As far as I was aware, I didn't have any pissed off Mafia after me either so she wouldn't be in danger that way either... Everything was set up, and everything would be fine.

I sat on my couch. Well, more like laid down on it, but that's besides the point. As I was laying down, I watched the clock, seconds seemed like minutes and minutes felt like hours. I wasn't told when she would be dropped off, which made the wait seem much longer than it needed to be. I tried to read to pass the time, but I couldn't really focus, so I was stuck watching the clock, waiting for a knock on my door.

It was until around 9:00 o'clock in the morning that I heard the door knock. I all but jumped up and walked over to the door, opening it. There was a lady who looked bored and a small child that looked to be about 4 or 5 years old... Was that my niece? I turned to the lady, "Hello, can I help you?" I saw a look of irritation cross her face, I already didn't like her.

She pushed the kiddo towards me, "This is Lilith Moore, your niece. You're to take care of her,I've been told, correct?" I steadied my niece, Lilith was her name. Why was she so small? Anyways once she was steady, I looked back to the lady, "Yes, that is correct. I agreed to care for her" since my sister was missing... I can't say I'm surprised since she joined the mafia, but still, wouldn't she have someone set up to care for Lilith? Someone she actually knew?

The lady nodded and handed over a bunch of papers, which I took. I started to go through them, legal documents, birth certificate, medical records... I looked up, and the lady left. Wasn't she a social worker or something? Why didn't she look around the house? I turned to Lilith, who was looking down at the ground and just all around really quiet... Poor kid, first her mum goes missing, and now she's dropped off with a complete stranger.

"When will Momma get back...?" I glanced down to my baby niece, and my heart broke for her. "I don't know Hun.." I wish I did know...  Lilith started to sniffling and was doing her best not to cry. This is why I hated the mafia. It left families torn apart, and it sucked. It shouldn't happen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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