Prologue part 1- The man in the village

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Hi, my name is Hayden Scott, I'm a man who's 28 born on February 18th, 1994. I live in a small town called "junior bronze" and work as a mechanic, I've been so happy to chat with everyone and I've made so many friends.

I'm scared though, I'm hiding my true identity, you see, there are 25 thousand people that live here but I'm in a smaller part that's more rural than a city. There are 300 other people in this area, it's like a village and we've built ourselves a small community.

I'm pretty well known throughout this village, but there's still something I'm scared of. Revealing my true identity. You see, half of the people that live here are homophobic and the other half don't care.

I and my husband George have been living here since we were born and have met through school, we used to be the best of friends until we discovered we had feelings for each other, which led to us dating, and then 7 years later we got married.

The old people which are on the homophobic side generally don't care about us, but this was a big celebration that lasted for a whole week! They said they would "get us back at some point," but that's still yet to come and I think these old men and women were just bluffing.

It's nice out here, it never snows, it only rains every few weeks and it's not too bad, plus I've got myself 445 acres since my husband George works with animals and owns a farm.

We love this town and our jobs, we've connected with everyone and I would never want to leave! There's this new group that they formed this anit-queer/gay group called "the rigors."

They're a homophobic group who are cruel and relentless to anyone who's gay. Everything was fine and we were safe from them until that one fateful day on March 31st, 2022.

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