Prologue part 2 - The news

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*The alarm goes off at 7:00 AM to wake me and my husband George up*
As I slowly raise my hand like a sloth to turn the alarm off, I feel like something will be different today. Not that it would be good or bad, I don't know honestly, but I feel that something is going to be different. I finally turn off my alarm and wake up George, me and I have been married since we were 21, I kiss him on the forehead and say "Time to wake up handsome." He yawns rubs his eyes, sits up, and smiles, "should've kissed me on the lips, would've woken me up faster" he said. "Sure, I'll try that tomorrow and we'll see what happens," I said with a growing smirk. We both get up and get dressed, we go out of the hallway and eat some breakfast. I sat down and he went to the counter to prepare our breakfast, he turned slightly and said, "Just some good old cereal with fresh cold milk from our cows out back." "Yup, you know that's my favorite! Other than my hubby of course." He smiled and turned back to prepare our bowls of cereal. While waiting for our food, I went to the door to check if we'd received the local newspaper yet, as soon as I open the door a newspaper comes flying at me as fast as a hawk diving to get its prey would go. In a fumbled mess I said, "thanks, Peete!" The young boy on the bicycle stopped and said "no problem Mr. Scott." "Mind if I come to take a seat with yall and have some cereal?" He asked, "Sure thing, but let your momma know that we're gonna fix her car up today in the big shop round there." I said. He quickly nodded and went back to his house where his mama sat waiting for the news. While I would wait for Peete, I went back inside to greet my husband. He yelled, "Come on in Soctty the food ready!" I came back in and put the newspaper on the table near the door and said, "Lil ol' Peete's a-comin' back, I said he could join us for breakfast and his mama ain't mind one bit." He replied with a soft voice "you're so kind Scotty, letting me come and eat with us, I mean now we can't make out." He jokingly said. "We've always got time for that pretty boy." I winked and smirked. I heard a knock on the door and yelled "coming!" It was Peete, I let him in and grabbed him a bowl of cereal and a seat to sit down. "C'mon now son, take your shoes off so you ain't dirty up this place," George said. "Alright alright, Mr." *Peete ran back to wipe his shoes off and put them in the coat closet* "Now you enjoy that cereal of yours," I said. Peete smiled and started to eat his food, I and George as well started to eat. Almost finishes with our meal, Peete spoke, "Mr. Scott, did you hear that today the rigors are supposed to be a-comin'?" "Oh, well if they are tell your mama and let everyone know to stay inside and keep watch to make sure nobody's harmed," I said with a dry throat. *George stood up and walked behind me* "Don't worry now Peete, me and Scotty here will keep this lil ol' home of ours safe." He said while patting my head, making me blush. "Alright, thank you, Mr. Scott and Mr. Scott, yall are some good men protecting me and my mama!" Peete said with a smile and cheerful voice. "Now you get along and tell everyone to stay inside you little rascal, we oughta make sure you're safe too!" I said in a joking voice, Peete nodded and ran for the door after getting his shoes back on. He ran out and we watched him through our window, after he went out of view, we started cleaning up the dishes. "Now don't worry George, if I have to ill use my AR-15 on em, but only if they come to harm us," I said as I hugged him, reassuring him that everything will be alright. "I love you Scotty, and thank you for being our protector. My protector." "I love you too George," I said. He kissed me and we went out to work, him on the farm, me near him working as a mechanic.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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