Argument P2

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Alastor POV:
It's been about a week since Angel shut me out of his room. We sort of made up, but it isn't working that well. I teleport white and pink roses into my hand and some milk chocolate then I knock on his door.

"I'm comin'." Angel opens the door and looks at me, "Al, whattya' doin' with those?" I hand them to him. "I want to take you on a date, my love."

His cheeks have a small tint of red to them, "Sure." He tries to keep his tone like he didn't care, but I know deep down he's internally screaming.

I kiss his forehead, making his cheeks turn a bright red. "Where would you like to go, Darling?" I ask, "I dunno, maybe Lovers Den?(basic, I know-) I've walked past it a couple of times and it looks pretty cool."

"Is it fancy?" I ask, he nods.

"Alright, dearie." I take his hand, kiss it, then give him the chocolates and roses. "I love you, Mon Ange."
Angel's POV:
"I love you, Mon Ange." Alastor says before disappearing. My eyes widen and I go back into my room then shut the door. I slide down the door and stare at the roses and chocolates.

Maybe this relationship could work..

Whåť ïf ïţ đøėśñ'ţ?

I know it will. He's-

Åń øvēřłøřđ. Łïķê Våłëņțîńø.

Don't ever compare Alastor to Valentino.

Fat Nuggets nudges my elbow with a toy in his mouth, I smile and take the toy. "Ya wanna play, sweet pea? Let's play." I toss the toy across the room and he takes it then runs back to me, his tail waggin' behind him.

"So glad Cherri won ya at that carnival."

We keep playin' fetch until it's time for me to get ready. "Mama has to go, but I'll be back soon okay baby?" I pat his head and pour him more food with a couple of treats.

I open my closet and take my satin periwinkle dress, it has fadin' golden glitter on the bottom, a boob openin'(obvi), see-through sleeves, and a heart in the middle of the waistline.

I smile and put it on, already excited for this date. I put a strawberry blonde wig on. I don't wanna ruin Alastors reputation obviously.

I stsre at myself in the mirror. Now I know why so many men stare at me when I wear this.

I look like a fuckin' goddess.

I do my makeup and hair, makin' sure it was perfect. Then I hear a knock at my door so I open it, seein' Alastor in a fancy black and red suit. His tie bein' red while he's wearin' a black dress shirt with a dark shade of red as his pants and suit coat.

I blush and look at him in the eye. "You look marvelous, my love." He purrs in a flirty, but lovin' way. I blush harder and giggle. "Thanks, Al. But ya tie isn't." I get closer to fix his tie.
Alastors POV:
He looks gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous. Angel walks up to me to fix my tie. I was in a rush coming here so I didn't have time to fix it. I finally notice that because of how close we are, I see details on his body I've never noticed before.

His see-through sleeves show pink freckles on his shoulders on both sets of arms, some of them are heart-shaped.

His breasts have a heart in-between them that seems to glow depending on how he feels.

I mainly stare at his face, smiling like that fool who fell in love with himself. But instead of myself, it's Angel.

"Ready to go, dearie?" I say as I hold my hand out. He blushes more and nods with a smile before holding my hand.

We go to the lobby and on our way out, "Where th' fuck are ya two goin'?" Husker, drunkenly, asks. "A date." I reply. "Be back by midnight or find anotha' place to sleep. Doors will be locked." Husker says as he downs a bottle of alcohol.

"Thanks, husky!" Angel says as he walks out. "Ya comin', babe?"


He called me babe again.

I smile lovingly and pick him up bridal style as I walk towards the car, he giggles and blushes heavily as I open the door for him with a shadow and I place him onto the passenger seat.

We arrive and I get out and open the door for him. "Such a gentleman!" He says with a smile. I blush softly as we walk in.

"Oh my Satan! The Radio Demon and a drag queen!?" The receptionist says sarcastically. "I don't serve fags here. (I hate myself for writing that word. -Mel 2023) get out of this restaurant."

"Listen, bitch. We paid real good money to be here, either give us our money back or set us a table." Angel hisses out. I notice the heart on his chest is dimly, very dimly, glowing.

"Yeah, whatever, ugly slut."

She did not just call him that.

"My dear, I don't normally harm women. Unless they deserve it. Łïķē ýøů." My eyes become radio dials, smile becomes wider, antlers grow, and my jaw cracks open wide as black ooze trails out of it.

"Y- Yes, sir!" She says and gives us a table number, "402." I go back to normal and smile. "Thank you. Cunt." I say as me and Angel walk away to our table.
Angel's POV:
I sit at the table and Alastor sits down as well. "I think you look lovely, my dear." I smile a little as he takes my hand and kisses it gently.

"What about your reputation?" I softly ask, "Won't I ruin it?" Alastor looks at me as his gaze soften up. "Somebody showed me that reputation isn't everything. Your much more important, my love." I blush softly.

"It was husk, ain't it?"

Alastor nods, a grin formin'. "Why are you wearing that wig?" He asks. I'm about to answer until a waitress comes in and hands us our menus, mainly goo-goo eyein' Alastor, but he's too focused on me to notice her lustful stare.

"So, hot stuff, what's your order?" She asks him. "Venison with deer blood, please."

She writes it down, turns to me and gives a disgusted look. "What do you want?" She asks in a cold tone.

"A new fuckin' waitress."

Alastor puts his hand on top of mine to calm me, and it works.

"Italian pasta with Mariana sauce." I say with a hint of spite. She rolls her eyes and writes it down then leaves, purposefully swayin' her hips to try and seduce Alastor.

But his eyes stay on me, surprisingly.

"It's alright, dear, my eyes are only on you."
Alastors POV:
The waitress hands us our food, purposefully spilling sauce on Angel. Luckily, he has a napkin in his lap, the sauce spilled on the napkin instead of himself.

She purposefully touches my chest as she leaves.

"Ya okay, Al? Ya look a bit.." he gestures to me. "Not like yourself."

"I am perfectly fine. I just tensed a little. That is all." I say through a tense smile as gently caresses his hand to soothe him.


Around twenty minutes later, we finish our food and the same waitress comes and gives us our check but secretly tucks something into my breastpocket then leaves.

"Al?" Angel's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" "Ya okay? Be honest."

I nod. "Haha! Of course I am! I am just tired, that is all."

Angel doesn't look that convinced but nods.

"I must use the washroom, I will be back." Angel nods and sits on the bench as I leave to the washroom.

I close the door and lock it then slide down it, panting heavily and staring at my pants that tightened throughout the whole date with a tense face.

What the fuck should I do?..

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