Marcus Clark

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FINISHED (for now)


Name: Marcus Clark

nickname: Marks or Mars

Age: 20

DOB: 5/30

Species: Human

Sex/Gender: Cis male

Sexuality: Gay(closeted)


*Ref is up top, folks!*

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More Details

Occupation(s): Aspiring musician

Likes: hiking, reading, music, animals, money, horror movies, sweet tea, sweaters, summer

Dislikes: people, hypocrites, the heat, crowded rooms, liars, winter, funerals, smoking

fav songs:

 • Extra Facts

- Very nervous around cops, even though most times (after his initial run-ins/arrests), he has done nothing wrong.

- Very rarely wears his hair down, but it looks better down than up and he knows it. He just thinks that having it in a ponytail is more practical.

- Music note tattoo is actually on the right side of his chest

- He was forced into the closet by his former affiliates (whom of which are all locked up now)


He is skittish in certain situations, seems intimidating though isn't exactly as he's cracked up to be, pretty chill most of the time. Has a heart of gold and is always working at improving himself and turning over a new leaf.


Marcus was once a man of many an illegal deed, mainly drug smuggling for a gang and rarely petty thievery. Upon getting caught on a drug run, he was given the chance to expose the whole operation in order to shorten his sentence. He took the chance with barely a hint of hesitation. Upon release, he was free to start his life again, this time being careful to not make any more stupid decisions. Since everyone from the gang he was once familiar with had been caught and locked up, he could roam free and not have to fear for his life. Since then, he had moved into a different state, picked up a different lifestyle, and took up his love for music once more. It took one night and a dangerous run-in with a peculiar man about his age to change his life forever.

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