Rosetta Wildwood (The Songstress)

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FINISHED (for now)

(Creepypasta/Anti-Pasta OC)

(Anti-Pastas created by @Rosey_The_MegaBitch)


Name: Rosetta Wildwood

Nickname: Wood

Age: 19

DOB: 9/24

Species: Human/Succubus Hybrid

Sex/Gender: Cis fem

Sexuality: Pansexual


• Looks/References •

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• More Details •

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More Details

Occupation(s): Serial killer/Creepypasta

Likes: singing, killing, being alone, (occasionally) writing music, eerie lullabies

Dislikes: the police, people stealing her kill, crowded places, being told how to dress and act

fav songs:

Extra Facts

- Has a scar over her eye

- Is short, at 4'9"

- Uses bow and arrow, daggers, and throwing knives.

- Singing voice is manipulative/dangerous

- People popping gum absolutely pisses her off

- Currently dating Roxanne

- Rosetta White is her arch-enemy

- Searcher had a crush on her at some point before Wildwood betrayed/tried to manipulate her.

- Killing method varies depending on her mood and motive.

- Pollen allergy

- Has Bipolar Disorder and suffers from substance abuse as well.

- Has ptsd from her parents 

- As a succubus, she feeds off of sexual energy/sex itself, but she herself isn't too fond of people aside from her vampire girlfriend, so she starves herself often.

- Alias is "Songstress"

- Nickname is either Wood or Scarface (Scarface being a nickname someone will use if they wanted to get on her bad (well, even worse) side), as most people just address her by her last name.


Rosetta's overall personality might shift often, but she usually feigns all emotion aside from her inner malevolence and lust (whether for sex or blood). The personality she often gives off to fool/manipulate people is a snarky, intelligent, and introverted woman with a thing for music. She's good at faking, as she had to learn how to act as expected of her for a while. Aside from that fake personality of hers, she is cynical, very temperamental, and impulsive. She also makes an effort to toy with people (not exclusive to her pasta allies either, she will do anything she can to piss them off).


It started when I was 8 yrs old, and my little brother was 6 yrs old; his name was Noah. We were near a pond at the park, and my brother was getting too close to the edge of the pond cuz he thought he saw something in it. I warned him to be careful and not get too close to the edge. But he didn't listen, and he fell in. he didn't know how to swim yet, so he was trying his best to keep his head above the water. I didn't know what to do; my parents weren't around. They were in the car talking on the phone, and they left me in charge. I tried to call for help, but no one came, and it was too late; my brother was already dead.

After his death, things got harder for me. He was their favorite kid cuz I couldn't be who they wanted me to be. They gave up on me when he was born and focused more on him. They started to blame me for his death, saying that I could have saved him. Soon I started to doubt that I did all that I could and that I could have actually saved him and that it was all my fault that he was dead. They even started to raise me the same way that they wanted to raise my brother. I had to act like a different person. I couldn't act like I used to. I wasn't allowed to wear anything I wanted; I had to dress the way they wanted me to; I had to act perfect. I couldn't choose my friends. They were all chosen by my parents, and I could tell they were keeping an eye on me for my parents; they were all fake, and it disgusted me. 

Am I a pussy? Yes. Do I go against my parent's wishes? No. Do you think I haven't done that already? I've done it plenty of times, more than I could count. I know not to. But I did it anyway. And this time, it was the worst mistake of my life. After so many years of that hell, I finally broke free from their chains. I finally escaped after 16 whole years of being someone I'm not. I finally escaped those disgustingly fake life-size barbie dolls.


• gets locked in prison  

• her human vessel dies

• haunts the prison till she finds a new vessel

• gives random prisoners deep scratches

• takes a few decades to find a vessel that accepts her soul

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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