04: Secrets

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⚠️ TW ⚠️: Mature Language, Graphic Violence, Sexual Thoughts/Feelings

⚠️ TW ⚠️: Mature Language, Graphic Violence, Sexual Thoughts/Feelings

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"Ready to kill some zombies?"

You nod in response to his question, stuffing your combat-knife down in your back pocket. You look at Leon before you both head into the mystery room. He holds his gun in his hand, firmly, practically waiting for a jumpscare.

"How come you get the gun and I don't?"

Leon smiles and glances at you for a brief second before answering your question.

"As you stated earlier, do you look like you know how to use a gun?" He grins before continuing. "Besides, this is my Matilda. Get your own"

The tall man nudges you playfully before you roll your eyes and cross your arms.

"Well what am I supposed to do if a zombie comes at me?"

"It won't."

"What if it does though?"

Leon sighs, he's getting a bit agitated, you can be quite annoying, especially to new people.

"I'll kill it. I won't let either of us get infected, promise."

He reassuringly smiles, but his comment just made you remember what you wanted to forget. The water. You drank the contaminated water that turned everybody into these monsters, and you still don't know what's to come, that was merely 25 minutes ago but it felt like a distant memory until now.

You try push away these thoughts and continue through the room, finding a green plant on what seems to be a presentation stand.

"Oh! Grab that."

Leon states before you look at him, extremely confused.

"It's weed... why do we need weed? Also why is there weed in a police station?"

"Are you—" he snorts in amusement.

"It's a green herb. They have health benefits, might help us in the future is all I'm saying." He shrugs and his smile fades back into a serious stare as he turns the corner.

You take apart some of the plant and just stuff it in your empty pocket. You then follow after Leon.

You're led to another dark hallway full of open windows. You swallow, sharply. Who knows what's outside these walls.

I Wanna Be Yours  ➤ Leon KennedyWhere stories live. Discover now