After the Storm

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   It was finally over. Seulgi was no more. You and Jungkook finally know your actual identities. Most of all, Jimin was still here with you. You and Jimin still remained in the castle and you quietly Laid in one of the healing beds in the castle. You two, with your hands clasped together tightly, stared in to each other's eyes like one of you would disappear before your very own eyes.
All of the other vampires, as well as yourself, went through a healing process if they were struck with one of Seulgi's spears. As mentioned before (A very long fucking time ago) Seulgi's spears were unique and one blow from them meant no vampire healing (No quick regeneration.) Instead, a vampire would heal like a human or not heal at all. Beginning this process meant first removing the object from your body, of which Jungkook happily insisted on helping you with. He was swift with the extraction so you were lucky to hardly feel anything at all. Finally the healing process would start with a set of serums, herbs, and medicines, but you were a special case. As soon as the spear was out of your chest, the wound started healing itself. Jin recommended that Jimin and Jungkook both leave the room, and so both of them did. Although you were semi-new to this, you figured something was wrong from the look on Jin's face. His eyes were stretched across the universe, like he was more horrified than surprised. It was only rational for you to ask, "What's wrong?"
"Shit-I don't know?"
"Aren't you the doctor?"
"Duh! But you're the only person that I have ever seen to regenerate without going through the healing process. This is new for me, and it's blowing my handsome mind,"
"You want to tell me what happened out there on the battlefield?"
"I can't remember, but Jimin said Seulgi was turned into orange dust and then I inhaled the dust." Jin sat next to you with his right hand cupping his face in thought. Then he spoke again, "Could you have possibly... absorbed Seulgi's powers? Making you immune to the effects of the spears?"
"Is that even possible? So I just-like...killed Seulgi and then proceeded to take her powers?"
"That's the only thing I can think of that sounds plausible," he shrugged as he got back on his feet. Once he was fully back up on his feet he added, "I'll run some tests and then I'll let you and do whatever-and Yes! You can still feel pain so these tests will hurt."
As Jin had described before, the tests did indeed hurt, A LOT. The pain was excruciating, but you felt it was necessary so you went with it until the torture was over. Leaving the area they used as a medical ward, you desperately searched for Jimin. You thought he would be there when you came out of the room, but to your surprise only Jungkook sat outside the door to your room. " That was quick, how do you feel?"
"I weirdly feel refreshed after all of that, I feel no pain. Just relieved."
"A little birdie told me, you gained Seulgi's powers."
"By that, do you mean you were listening?"
"Oh? You know me so well," reaching out for an embrace that you happily accepted. Jungkook could hold you forever, you were his new prized little sister and the attachment he had ran deep within him. Although he had no problem killing for you, he would have no regrets dying for you if it ever came down to it. He loved you (as his sister.) As he's holding you in his arms he wanted to say it. He wanted to say it out loud so that you could hear it and know that he did. But alas, he was unable to, for the fear of what you might say and think of him that might pull you away, so he kept quiet and held you as long as he could before you pulled away. "I'll ask again. Are you okay, Jungkook?" For a sum of seconds there was a pause before his response," I'm fine, as long as you're ok and everyone else is ok. I'm happy." He plopped his hand on your head and left three consecutive pats before resting his hand there. You had no choice but to trust his words and the smile that spread on his face. He seemed happy but for some strange reason you still thought, Is he actually happy? Is he lying?
"Well I'll leave you to look for your lover now, I have to go sort out some things elsewhere. I'll join with you, Jimin and the others some time later." Jungkook removed his cold hand from your head and placed it in his pocket.
"You're leaving the castle so soon? You won't stay?"
"Unfortunately I can't stay, I'll be back though. You stay out of trouble until then." He took one last look at you before turning to take his leave. As if he had forgotten something, he swung his head back around. "Also I don't know where he went, so have fun looking for him. He said he would be back before you got out but you took shorter than expected." Then started off for the door again.
"Ah- Thank you and see you later-be safe!" You called out to him as he continued to walk forward. In response to you he threw up a peace sign before disappearing around the corner. You stood and watched until he was gone then began your hunt for Jimin Park.
Running around the castle for this tiny man, it seemed like you were playing hide and seek, you couldn't find him anywhere. You searched high and low, on the first floor and the second, you even asked around if someone knew where he was. It felt like you had searched the entire castle. Your search soon drove you outside of the castle where the moon still provided its presence to everyone prancing in the night, it lit up mostly everything. As you (the reader) may have already guessed, there are still other vampires walking around, while you were outside some of them were congregated in groups, some were starting to leave, and even some who were still lurking about by themselves. You didn't stay to observe as you had better priorities, but as the more the quest drug out the more irritated you got. So much so, you started to think that Jimin had abandoned you, but to only then disapprove of this in your head. You were driving yourself insane and you looked no different running around talking to yourself in an irritated manner.
The moon's light shined bright on a giant garden house on the far side of the castle. This was your first time spotting it. You dashed for this building with the high hopes of this is where he had to be. This garden house was white stained glass and through this was a burst of colors. From the angle you were coming from, the colors of many varieties of flowers were shown but you hadn't seen anyone inside through the glass. Your hope drastically started to decline, your speed declined the closer and closer you got to the entrance. He wouldn't abandon me, would he? The tears started to develop but nothing fell yet. Hesitantly and slowly you opened the door. "Hello?" Followed by the door screeching, was a silent reply. Your mind had already decided there was no one inside, but your heart was so desperate that you charged inside and hastily looked around. Everything sat still and nothing dwelled inside except for the flowers and their thriving colors. In the middle of this fairy like garden sat a bench which is where you drug your broken heart and sat to silently cry, like anyone would hear you anyway. "Jungkook said he would come back...yeah. Maybe he just went to go grab something-" clasping both of you hands together tightly together you tried to reassure yourself. Your overreacting, your so clingy y/n. Wiping your tears away and finally looking up through the sunroof to the moon, you allowed all the beautiful flowers to comfort you. Once again tonight the moon graced and crosses your skin, giving you all the company you needed.
"Can I join you?"
You hadn't noticed the small footsteps that crept beside you. Silky blonde hair, a white blouse, with black dress pants and black shoes, sat next to you with the most loving smile on his face. Not even a millisecond after having plopped himself next to you he laid your head on to his shoulder and held you there. "Jimin!" You responded by throwing your arms around him.
"You would do you some good to look behind you sometimes. You walked right past me in the courtyard, so I followed you here." The one spot you didn't stick around to observe thoroughly. His soft, gentle hand still rested on your head, simultaneously he left long slow strokes as if he was petting a cat. Then he kissed your forehead. "I would never abandon you, and you could never get rid of me. I'm yours," he spoke softly, looking down at you. That was enough to make you reach up and latch your lips onto his, making the flowers as well as the moon watch and both entities beaming down on both of you like they were cheering you on. No words were said, but it was understood as the kiss intensified. Jimin was so engulfed that the strokes on your head had stopped and his hand traveled down to your hip. It didn't have to be said but he wanted to hear it anyway. Jimin separated your lips by pulling away so suddenly, the look of yearning fixed your face to what it was. Both of you were panting to catch your breath, when Jimin spoke again. "I want to hear you say it out loud. Do you still love your playful vampire? Do you love him as much as he loves you?"
There was no need to think about it, "No." He was perplexed before you continued "I love him more than he loves me. I love you so much."
I love you

The Playful Vampire: Final episodeWhere stories live. Discover now